
Tuesday, June 22, 2021

That's it, block the aisles while you visit



  1. One weird trick that works on most oblivious people; 'Excuse me, I'd like to pass.'

    If that doesn't work, just say, 'Excuse me, I am coming through.' as you push through.

    1. I tell'em to shoot the shit on someone else's time. Nemo

    2. i just fart.
      clears them out, fast

  2. I plow right through them. Fuck em. Years ago the big thing was to bump the person in the ass in the check out line with a cart. Man that pissed me off. It used to happen all the time. I finally made a vow too myself. One day bump, bump on my ass. I turned and it was an old lady. I didn't care and said loudly, how would you like that cart shoved up your ass? I was the bad guy of course but I didn't give a shit. Damn I hate shopping.

  3. You are not alone: it happens every day here on the other side of the lake.

  4. frequently at wally world and they get pussy hurt if you go through or mention that their dicks... damn boomers... lol

  5. I guess it is the idiotic "social distancing" hangover. I encounter the same thing in some stores, mainly the frightened more elderly people, still wearing masks, and often latex gloves to boot, and keeping far away from anyone else.

    Propaganda works.

    1. An example of propaganda:
      * dictating an 'anti-social distance', but calling it 'social distance'
      I see nothing social about distancing.
      [holds arms open for hugs]

  6. Karen and Ken, the inconsiderate city fucks.
    Couple groups too, looks like an excellent place to leave a moist broccoli fart.

  7. Basically inconsiderate people and I have seen this all over for years.
    At the gun shows, stores of all kinds, etc. and usually with a stroller if not a shopping cart.
    Same as with people meandering in the roadways of parking lots instead of staying to one side, etc.

  8. I've never seen white people do that but the blacks block the aisles in the store, often one person with a shopping cart. One person blocking aisle that is wide enough for three carts to pass! They block the streets too. I saw 2 of their females standing on the right side of the road. When they saw my company truck, they very slowly crossed the street, forcing me to stop. After I got by, they went back to the right side of the road. Other guys say they want to be hit so they can get money from the company.

    1. Well, we've got damned few blacks here in Macon County, but I see white people doing this shit every time I go to the store.
      What's worse is when somebody's looking for something on the shelf and they've got their shopping cart cocked sideways and blocking the entire aisle - then they act surprised when they look up and see 4 or 5 people glaring at them.

    2. An M61 20mm would be overkill for mounting on shopping carts..Maybe dual 12ga?

  9. I just fall back to the military "Make a hole!" and plow on through.

  10. That shit drives me crazy. Bloc!ing the aisle or worse, for me anyway, racing to get in front of me then stopping to talk to their friend blocking every damn thing. I start out polite, usually, but raze their asses pretty quick if they don't get the hint or pretend they don't see or hear me, it's on then.
    Move along people, some of us have lives we need to get to.

  11. If I'm checking out of the grocery store as late as 7:30 AM I'm doing something wrong. The aisles may be full of people stocking the shelves but shoppers are generally not a problem.

  12. I remember a chap who was never fazed by this. He was a porter at a Woolworths in Edinburgh. After he'd called out "Mind yer backs" he and his trolley were coming through and you'd better have moved because he took no prisoners!

  13. There are few things that piss me off more than this inane shit.

  14. Excuse me, pardon me, comin thru

  15. Where I live, it's always Indian (from India) people doing this. And FFS WHY do you have to bring THIRTY members of your family along with you to shop?!?!?

    I'd love to whip out an air horn in this situation but then I'd be the one getting in trouble.

  16. I shop small town local like. Besides, I don't do well with herds. Demons start comin out. Ohio Guy

  17. I get worse road rage at the grocery store than I do on the roads

  18. This is not a racial thing, and it is not a regional thing. It's a "human" thing.

    I used to work in hospitals and I encountered this sort of thing all the time. It's usually some doctor and a few other people having a conference right where they crossed paths in the passageway.

    I once encountered a group of four hospital employees having a conversation right at the intersection of two passageways. I came by with my tool cart, did the "excuse me" thing, and was promptly ignored. I parked my cart, walked right up to them and took the first one by the hand, and said, "Here, you stand over here. I took the next one and repeated that at a different spot. When I had placed all four - who had very surprised looks on their faces - I then stated: "There! Now you're blocking four passageways instead of just two!"

    (I didn't get kicked out of the place because I was there to fix a down CT scanner and they needed me more than I needed them, but I did hear about it later from my boss.)

    And then there are those oblivions who slowly exit the building while in deep conversation, and then STOP and continue their conversation right on the other side the door blocking egress for everyone else. People have died in fires because of this stupidity.


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