
Monday, July 19, 2021

Black Rifle Company Coffee founder shoots himself in the foot

America’s Coffee? 

The founder of Black Rifle Coffee, the ‘America first’ alternative coffee company that received an endorsement from Trump in 2017 and sponsors conservative media outlets like The Daily Wire and BlazeTV, had extremely harsh words for some of his customer base in a recent interview, calling them “such a repugnant group of people,” among other things. 

The company started in 2014 branding itself as pro-military, pro-firearm, pro-law enforcement, and ‘anti-hipster.’ All of which are popular views among the right – hence why the brand gained popularity in the conservative and MAGA movement in 2017.


  1. Coffee wasn't that good. Believe or not I buy Dunkin' Donuts coffee to make at home.

    1. There used to be a Dunkin' Donuts at the corner of Westheimer and Hillcroft in Houston.
      Always smelled heavenly inside.

    2. Still have one on FM1960.

  2. What freedom loving American would give an interview to the NYT.

  3. I dumped all the BRC coffee I have purchased down the drain, will lever spend another dime with these lying hypocrites.....

  4. They’re hated by the left and the right now. Great business model. F them.

  5. No big deal. I quit buying their shit after the first time they stepped on their dicks with Kyle

    1. Me too. Canceled my subscription. Fuck 'em.

  6. Sounds more like a head shot......

  7. These tools have to be the most retarded communist sympathizers in the world.
    Fucking Dumbasses

  8. Funny....
    Living close to NYC,and being used to it, why does this guy look like a half-a-fag hipster?
    Asking for a friend.

    1. "Oi, vey, shut it down, patterns are happening!"

  9. If the money is right anybody will become a whore.

  10. So. Keep in mind that the NYT might be misquoting Hafer to hurt his business and to drive wedges into the right. This lie, divide, subvert stuff is what the good people at the New York Times do. It’s a tradition for them. Some might even call it a charming cultural folkway. (I wouldn’t do that - not on record anyway - but some might. And those people might not be wrong.)

    That said, this isn’t the first time BRCC has said dumb stuff out of its top-level orifice, IIRC.

  11. Crap coffee. Tried it once; that was more than enough. I don’t really care what your ideology is, if you put out a solid product at a decent price with superior service, I’ll probably buy it if I’m in the market for it. Doesn’t matter if your company supports my thinking, if your product sucks, I’m goin somewhere else.

    1. Yep. We've been buying the 100% arabica bean wal-mart coffee for 10 years now. Plenty good and cheaper than most. Given the amount of coffee I imbibe on a daily basis, the cheap is a major factor. I always liked the BRCC adds on youtuber, but could never bring myself to spend the extra $$ on it. Now I'm glad I didn't. Even *IF* those are deliberate mis-quotes, I still am suspect of anyone who clams to be pro-American and gives an interview to those twerps.
      -Just A Chemist

  12. When company profits are paramount money talks and morality gets buried.

    1. I expect that he was sucking up to Lefties under the insane delusion that Lefties would buy a coffee with an AR15 on the bag.

  13. Folgers is better and a whole lot cheaper. And they stay out of politics which is much better than the idiots at BRC.

  14. This isn't the first time he's done this. He's a freaken Libtard. Boycott.

    1. I can't boycott. I don't subscribe, never bought it, never tried it. Never been a coffee snob like so many other worshipers. All the shit tastes the same to me. Make it strong, add sugar, done. What's the big fucking deal? But if they change the name to Black Lives Matter Rifle Company, I might buy uno bagg o that.

  15. The BRCC owners have all given robust explanations and rebuttals, claiming the NYT took statements out of context, misquoted, etc. I do not know what's in the hearts of BRCC owners or what they really said, but I know for a fact the motives of the NYT are not aligned with freedom loving trad Americans. We shouldn't turn against one another on the word of those who hate us. Which among Kenny's readers reads or trusts the NYT? How about MSNBC? Not me...

    1. “If White men were not complaining, it would be an indication we weren’t succeeding and making the inroads that we are.”
      — Arthur Ochs Sulzberger
      NYT Publisher

      ... speaking of people who hate you.

    2. These retards came out shortly after the incident bad mouthing Kyle.
      Useless fucking idiots are what they are and from what I've read their coffee sucks ass too

  16. I refuse to pay that much for a pound of coffee. It better be some miracle stuff.

  17. Went to the Nine Line store in Savannah, GA last year - had a black rifle coffee shop attached. Nine Line kicked us out for no mask - supposed freedom loving company so we went over to the Black Rifle Coffee shop - they kicked us out also.

    Learned quickly neither company stands for freedom and liberty - they just say it to sell their junk. BRCC will never see a penny of my money.

  18. I was an inch from switching my monthly coffee order to them, ready to skip a couple more meals to support them, when they first dissed Kyle Rittenhouse. I saw that t-shirt on him and assumed the wrong thing, like most of us, and considered myself lucky to have found out before I committed myself to buying from them.

    I still can't believe ANY American who had bothered to look at any of the acres of video could consider that kid guilty of anything stronger than being very young.

  19. Never bought their coffee now i never will, folgers and maxwell house are a damn good coffee and just down the road so i do not have to order it! Mickey they may be saying that but i doubt that!!!grayman

    1. I'm a Yuban guy. Five bucks when it's on sale, which is the only time I buy it.
      If I want to support someone's cause I'll send them a check, not buy what their selling based on their line of bullshit.

      NRA- Are you listening?
      No, I didn't think so.

  20. The Right Scoop currently has an interview with the principles of BRC with Dana Loesch. I'm backing up a little bit. I can't help but like Matt Best. Not to sure about the runt. If what they say is true, they need to learn to stay in their own damn lane and STFU.

  21. Far and away the best coffee I have found. Not roasted until you order it.

  22. What? A business set up to grift money from the Right by parrotting buzzwords while secretly letting the Left make them airtight (and loving it) all while laughing their way to the bank? Unpossible! Well, other than the GOP, the NFL, Fox News, etc., etc., etc.

  23. There's a tough balance to be struck between publicity and feeding the monkeys. Talking to the NYT is like playing with dynamite for anyone to the right of Che Guevara. There's about 0% chance that the NYT didn't spin the interview, and if the owner didn't realize that, it's his damn fault for being a dupe... and it's for sure possible that he meant exactly what he said, that he doesn't like idiots who happen to be on his side. Still, there's a reason why people have PR reps.

  24. .....with a fence post! Screw 'em!


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