
Monday, July 26, 2021

CDC Quietly Revokes RT-PCR Emergency Use Authorization Because They Counted Covid-19 and Influenza Together

Here’s a punch in the gut for a nation that’s already hurting. As it turns out, the so-called “gold standard” testing referenced by so many “doctors” like Anthony Fauci, as well as government officials across the board, has had its Emergency Use Authorization revoked. 

The CDC announced, albeit quietly, on Wednesday that the RT-PCR tests used to tell millions of Americans they’re infected with Covid-19 has been unable to accurately differentiate between the various coronaviruses. Of particular note is the inability of these tests to know whether someone is infected with Covid-19 or influenza.


  1. And this is a surprise to anyone with a modicum of intelligence?

  2. Any sane American really surprised with these results!

  3. Want another dick punch? Doctors are telling people they have the "Delta" variant BUT THERE'S NO TEST TO DETECT THE DELTA VARIANT. WTF????

    1. That's because they believe (or have to toe the Party line to keep their jobs) that the shots are highly effective against the earlier variants so if somebody tests positive or has Covid symptoms it's obvious that they have a new variant

  4. This is my "shocked face".

    Wait for it...

    You missed it, now wait for my "there will be no consequences face"...

  5. In the linked article the photo displays the absolute WRONG way to use the swab, no wonder the kid is screaming, but hey, the providers are health care professionals

  6. Shhhh, the sheep will screech and cover their ears. La la la la

  7. And Bill Gates and George Soros bought the company that manufactures covid test. There is no "pandemic" except in the demoncrats world tying to control us.

  8. Whocoulddaknowd!?!?!?!?

  9. Replies
    1. That comment made me laugh out loud and I even snorted. Can’t help but laugh at this shit show.

  10. factcheck dot org says not so. So, you know...Whatever.

  11. The funny thing is when you realize that the powerful never gave a shit about the virus. Yeah, they used it to implement some controls, but the truth is they probably saw it as theater to keep the cattle from getting riled up. So, BFYTW...


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