
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Commentary: No Longer ‘Democrats’

In the old days, Democrats had predictable agendas, supposedly focused on individual rights, the “little guy,” and distrust of the military-industrial-intelligence complex. 

The Left, often on spec, blasted the wealthy, whether the “lucre” was self-made or inherited. The old-money rich were lampooned as idle drones.


  1. While we the givers and doers were busy working and providing for our families as well as paying the never ending tax burden the taking left was busy poisoning our schools, police, local, state and federal government.
    Communism and absolute control over our lives is now where we are, or will be soon, and with the bonding of all the social media platforms, paypal, and several search engines, I'm sure banks and loan providers are onboard just haven't announced it yet, the ability to turn anyone not towing the line can be made to essentially disappear, deplatformed or whatever you want to call it.
    Republicans are just as bad as the democrats if not worse because they lie to the public endlessly, ask me about my first hand knowledge of tese useless, backstabbing POS.

    1. Only because you're rooting for the Commies, Jeffery.

  2. Growing up I was taught that if anybody asks you're baptist and democrat... the whole Southern Democrat mantra was sacred. During Regeans run for a 2nd term I had to do a school project on the election. I visited both party headquarters, several libraries... no internet back then!! I researched each and every major talking point and came to the conclusion that Democrats were idiots. I voted Republican from then on, but in the last few years I have learned more towards Libertarian ideology. Neither party is what they used to be, and they're both rolling further downhill every election cycle.

  3. Hate to tell you, but those "predictable agendas" were intended to get us here all along.

    I like Hanson, but, if he really buys that, he hasn't been paying attention the last 50 years.

    1. I'm calling you a dumbass Jeffrey, prove me wrong because looking at the 3 posts you've made sure makes you one.

  4. difference. The terms are synonymous and interchangeable. Want to save America? Find one...or more....and kill them.

  5. The only difference between Demonrats then and Demonrats now is they were lying then and now they've taken off the mask and openly parade their evil intentions.

  6. Here's a neat trick: pick a party, any party. Now put it back in the deck. Shuffle a bit and pick another one. Surprise! They are ALL the SAME! Other than revealing more of their true natures as they become bolder, they have not changed, not one bit. They are in politics for one reason and one reason only - to serve themselves. To accomplish this they must pledge fealty to their controllers and throw a bone now and the to the constituents. What do their controllers want? They want more. More power. More of our wealth.


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