
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

No more Whoppers for her!

JULY 22--The Florida retiree who hurled a Whopper and racial slurs at a Burger King employee in a rage over the thickness of a tomato on her sandwich has been sentenced to probation following a plea to battery, court records show. 

Judith Black, 78, entered a no contest plea to the misdemeanor charge during an appearance Tuesday in a county courthouse near her home in The Villages, the vast Florida retirement community.


  1. I'll bet she's really pissed off about having to take anger management classes.

  2. Wait a minute, so a white woman named Black, attacked a black woman named Brown, this is way too much for me to put my head around...

  3. Back when I was in High School I'd work the Saturday closing shift at a McDonalds that stayed open till 2:00 am. When the usually drunken customers started throwing burgers around we called it a "Big Mac Attack"! I've seen things. Strange things.

  4. Personally I would not agree to any probation nor taking any classes. That is government bullshit to extend the cash cow you have become, $ 50 or so per meeting, atleast 1 to 2 per month, with your probation officer, plus what 75 to 125 for each " anger management meeting ".
    Do the time and get out free of the bullshit

  5. The Villages: hotbed of geriatric white supremacy.

  6. 78 is old enough to know better.

    You want to check out because you had an aneurysm over a tomato slice?

  7. Yea cuz when I want some top shelf veggies, Burger Kangz is my go to spot. I would just as soon eat a shit sandwich without the bread.


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