
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

No sympathy from me

Former California Sen. Barbara Boxer was assaulted and robbed while walking in Oakland on Monday afternoon. 

The ex-congresswoman, 80, who retired in 2017, said she was attacked by an assailant in the city’s Jack London Square neighborhood.


Leave it to the media to blow it up, though. It sounds more like a snatch-n-run than an assault and robbery to me.


  1. She just got 'mugged by reality'.
    All the precursors for this 'assault' are the direct result of Babs and her Party's policies. No sympathy here either.

  2. So by current California democrat standards... If he hadn't pushed her, no crime works have been considered to be committed since a phone would fall under the permitted value to help yourself?

  3. Jabbering on her phone, like so many. Yes, I wish it had been a real assault. We need to French Revolution our ruling class.

    1. The problem now, as then, is that the definition of "ruling class" would get expanded to include thousands that weren't remotely part of it.

  4. 1) I have to wonder if she didn't loser her phone, then make up a story, then 2) If she was assaulted it weren't by much - someone pushed her back. ?
    But whatever gets thee puke stains looking over their shoulder is fine with me.

  5. What no clues like "This is MAGA Country" or something similar.
    Hard to beleive there isnt some trail of clues allowing the authorities to track the perp right up to his Klan meeting hideout in that hotbed of rightwing extremism.

    1. Lol, cultural enrichment can be a stone cold bitch.

  6. Hah hah hah! Dindu Nuffin and his homey robbed you - you support the progressive mental illness, suffer the consequences, bitch.

  7. "No sympathy for the Devil"

  8. The little imp that accosted Madam Boxer was just collecting his share of the white devil's reperation payments.

  9. More "democrat on democrat" crime.

  10. Yeah, baby. Remember this from 1992?

    “The general election between Boxer and Herschensohn was very close. At the eleventh hour, controversy emerged that the Republican nominee attended a strip club, which some Republican operatives later blamed for Herschensohn’s loss.[5]

    Four days before Election Day polls showed Herschensohn had narrowed a double digit deficit, trailing by 3 points. Political operative Bob Mulholland disrupted a campaign appearance with a large poster advertising a strip club shouting “Should the voters of California elect someone who frequently travels the strip joints of Hollywood?” Herschensohn admitted he had visited a strip club once, with his girlfriend and another couple. With press coverage of the story, Herschensohn spent the waning days of the campaign denying related allegations. When the votes were cast and counted, Boxer won the election by five points.[6] Although Republicans have blamed the defeat on the underhanded tactics of the Boxer campaign, evidence of the connection between Mulholland’s outburst and the campaign never surfaced.”

    Mulholland lives in Chico, CA. So did we for near 30 years, until we GTFO for Texas. Our kids played basketball in a recreational league for jr. high kids. One of the kids on another team was the son of one of Mulholland’s lackys. Kid was all knees and elbows. Offensive and defensive fouls by the dozen. Parents on our side yelling, calling out the referees. Nope, they wouldn’t touch him. The fix was in.

    1. Bob Mulholland was/is/always has been a POS Democrat Party hack that would say or do anything to promote his Party's foul ideology. He's a reprehensible human being.

  11. A pity the assailant wasn't better at his job

  12. Funk the batch, she robbed the people for decades, no sympathy from me.

    1. You aren't fooling anybody, Jeffery.

    2. Kenny, it appears your blog has picked up a low hanging fruit cake, or as I call em dumbass

  13. They'll put all their resources into finding home boy because of who the victim was. If it was anybody else there would be no further action.

  14. "Former California Sen. Barbara Boxer was assaulted and robbed while walking in Oakland on Monday afternoon.

    The ex-congresswoman, 80, who retired in 2017 . . . "

    The article couldn't remember if she was a senator or a congresswoman, but at least they remembered not to call her Ma'am.

  15. What was she doing there? Trying to make a little extra cash in her spare time?

  16. I think there was a typo. Wasn't that the Black London Square neighborhood?

  17. Isn't she lobbying for some Chinese video company who's trying to sell equipment to the U.S. military? Gotta wonder what was on that phone that went into a waiting car at the curb.

    All that said, karma's a stone cold bitch, ain't it?


  18. She "hopes he has some guilt"

    How ironic.

  19. Too bad the vibrants didn’t shiv the old harridan.
    Steve in CA


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