
Friday, July 16, 2021

Federal Prosecutor Deliberately Delayed Hunter Biden Probe To Shield 2020 Election

U.S. Department of Justice officials deliberately delayed an investigation into Hunter Biden’s potential tax law violations and sketchy overseas business dealings because of the effect it could have on the presidential election, according to a Politico report.

Delaware’s U.S. Attorney David Weiss allegedly postponed allowing prosecutors to obtain search warrants and issue grand jury subpoenas last summer, after facing pressure from other officials who feared the investigation’s influence on the 2020 presidential election and now-President Joe Biden’s campaign.


  1. Until I see handcuffs and jumpsuits, or a long drop on a short rope, justice is not served.

    1. Best do something even if it's wrong! Alternative is to wait and allow things to go extra-judicial. Little to no turn back if that occurs.

  2. I’m sure they would do the same thing for anyone else…

  3. Yeah, imagine that.


  4. Is anyone surprised? ANYONE??

  5. Figures, he's one of (((them))).

  6. Gordon (other Gordon)July 16, 2021 at 7:15 PM

    From the Article: "Weiss first assumed his position as a U.S. attorney in 2017 after former President Donald Trump nominated him. ... the nomination was based on “the recommendation of Delaware’s two Democratic senators""

    Sooooo..... Donald Trump listened to a couple of Democrats and got bit in the ass. What a surprise.

    1. It doesn't matter who nominated them, most everyone in the Just US system is corrupt and not worth a decent shit.

  7. Our rulers are above the law. When they speak glowingly of bipartisanship what they are referring to is insider trading, foreign kickbacks, and bribery. How else can they do this without using their family as cutouts and bagmen, Biden's 1st official document he signed were secret blanket pardons for himself, Hunter, James, and Sara among the others.

  8. There's sheep and wolves. Always has been always will be.


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