
Friday, July 16, 2021

Still sitting on the fence about homeschooling?

A petition circulated by the Zinn Education Project has collected more than 5,000 signatures from teachers who claim they will teach Critical Race Theory in their classrooms, regardless of whether it is outlawed in their respective states. 

Twenty-one of those teachers are from Tennessee. 


Fire each and every one of them and pull their teaching credentials. The parents and the States have made it clear they don't want that shit in schools and their children's heads, but these teachers are going to shove it down their throats anyway?


  1. Those fucks need a reminder about who they work for.

  2. Fire and pull teaching credentials, Then take that paddle Mr Smith used on me because I was goofing off in gym and beat the shit out of them.

  3. Just. Wanna. Puke.

  4. My buddy who was never a student ended up home schooling his sons due to covid. He got the study guide from the school, after several days he could see his kids were bored so he went on line and started downloading Ron Pauls guides and the Kahn Academy study guides. His kids went through the school guide for the entire year in about two months and spent the rest of the year doing the other two. He ended up having plenty of extra time so he started doing nature study, gardening and then little engineering projects. Kids still had plenty of free time to ride bikes and go camping and fishing. End of story: when they went back to school they tested two grades ahead of all their peers. Private school so they'll just have to deal with being smart younger kids. Again, when he started this I as a bro seriously had doubts. Now these kids are even more awesome than they were. Mature and confident. Why wouldn't they be? Just showed everyone how poorly the (Private) school district is teaching the kids. This spread like wildfire as you can imagine. Imagine how the public kids are doing?


    1. A buddy of mine homeschools, and when he & his wife started he told me he had no idea how the teachers managed to fit 60 minutes work into an entire day ....

    2. My brother was very set against home schooling. He parroted all the sorry accusations deriding anyone who would dare think home schooling held any positive attributes.

      At his request, I began home schooling his high schooler. After one week he said whatever you're doing, keep doing it. The kid's public school teachers took notice. His grades shot up. From F to A+.

      The difference was I set forth a policy that the kid held ultimate responsibility in his progression; the results were solely up to him. Plus, I eliminated all the 'fluff' which detracted from the core learning and forced a set pace which might favor some student but not any particular student.

      Making the student aware, and him agreeing to the conditions, that his progress is his solely his responsibility and moving at his pace is all that was needed to develop him to his full potential.

      My brother has become a firm believer in home schooling. Indeed, he has told me that he shared his enthusiasm for home schooling with co-workers, friends, and neighbors.

    3. And the nice thing about homeschooling? The parents learn along with the kids. Done right, the parent stays about 1 week ahead.

      Fuck schools.

  5. Replies
    1. Where's the fun in that? I propose Torquemada as a guide.

  6. Don't fire them, don't decertify them. HANG THEM. As long as we allow these commie bastards to breath freedom will ALWAYS be in peril.

  7. You know what race these "educators" are..... They can do as they wish, they are above the law and Affirmative Action rules say they really don't even need to work much. Just show up.

  8. When CRT comes up....tell your kids to walk out.....
    go to the office and call you.


  9. Caucasian Replacement Techniques.

  10. Time to introduce them all to 'World History as expressed in aerodynamics.' In other words, Helicopter rides for Socialists.

  11. I agree with home schooling. I told my daughter to continue at home and to hell with college. Find a trade school for your kids be it white or blue collar. My brother and sister in law, retired, both teachers are strong advocates of home schooling. He told me last week a friend of his has a son who was home schooled. They looked at colleges and the kid who is bright didn't want it. He learned to wield underwater and is making incredible money and there is plenty of work. One thing the government can't take from you is a trade. As with others I have many stories of success with home schooling. This is just one.

  12. So, let me see if I have this right:
    - we have a conspiracy to commit a crime
    - involving 5,000+ members
    - who all just signed a confession.

    What's the number for the police tip-line?

  13. The only way these people are ever going to get it through heads that the general public is against this crap is to arrive at school some morning and see all of the CRT teachers hanging upside down from the flag pole.

    So glad my kids aren't being subjected to this crap.



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