
Friday, July 16, 2021

Sounds like LA's gearing up for those mandatory vaccinations

Los Angeles County has recorded more than 3,000 new coronavirus cases in three days, part of a troubling rise in cases as viral transmission increases among unvaccinated people. 

It was the first time since early March that the county reported three consecutive days with more than 1,000 new coronavirus cases.


  1. Gordon (other Gordon)July 16, 2021 at 7:06 PM

    So far it's still voluntary. You still have the right to say 'no' and close the door. Or don't answer the door.

    1. "So far"
      - Your Friendly Government

  2. Have all these officials not read the CDC official report (available on their wesite) admitting that all the tests in common use are incapable of actually a virus?

  3. LA County has 10M inhabitants. If my math is right, 3,000 new cases is .03 percent of the population. Funny how that is exactly the death rate of those who catch COVID, as well as those who get vaccinated.



  4. Who cares? LA sucks. Kalifornia sucks. I hope the vaccines don't work. Matter-of-fact, I know that they won't.

  5. Still not faxed. As are more than 90% of the Japanese people. Still not tripping over bodies as I go out to work and eat. They’re closing restaurants at 8pm, but the bars are still open late. The most dangerous thing I’ve encountered here is grownups dressed up as cartoon characters racing around the city in go karts. Fast little fuckers. Eod1sg Ret

  6. In today's MSM headlines-
    "President Biden Grapples With The Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated"

    And in tomorrow's headlines-
    "President Harris To Require Proof Of Vaccination When Filing IRS Tax Returns"

  7. all just river jumpers arriving by Kamaltoe express. Not a one of the bastards had to be tested Jabbed masked or quarantined. Fuck'em all.


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