
Friday, July 16, 2021

Louisiana lawmakers to hold historic veto override session

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana lawmakers will hold a tradition-busting veto session as Republicans push to overturn Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards' rejection of bills that would ban transgender girls from school sports and remove restrictions on concealed handguns.
-John Deaux


  1. If you're in Louisiana please, please, please contact your representatives now, today and early Monday of next week.
    If you're not here but are on our side you're welcome to call or email and support us, especially if you live in a bordering state. The money train for permits have aligned
    the greedy bastards together. Rinos and demokraps are fighting us to the very end of this session.
    Thank you
    John Deaux

  2. One correction: The bill would ban biological males from competing against biological females. It's simple, and the legislature passed with what should have been a veto-proof majority. The veto session will also address Constitutional Carry, which passed with a veto-proof majority. Our (hack, spit) governor is playing silly games, trying to get a good job in the Biden administration, and answers their beck and call.

    1. The best politicians money can buy huh. My embarrassment of a sheriff, a rino, is so far up John Bel's ass his feet is all that's hanging out.
      All the vetoed bills need to be overruled and made into law.
      They'll be looking for campaign money and support, we have to hold them accountable for their votes.


  3. Will really surprise me if our weak kneed rinos over ride anything. Mostly what some of them do is pose and posture then cave from a threat form Edwards. What they should do is over ride them all.

  4. There is a special gibbet titled Governor that remains empty in Baton Rouge.

  5. This is not fair. Coppernickel was just about to sign a huge contract with the Lingerie Football League.


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