
Friday, July 16, 2021

TWA 800: 25 Years of Deep State Deception

On July 17, 1996, TWA Flight 800, a Paris-bound 747 out of JFK, blew up off the coast of Long Island. It seemed somehow fitting that James Kallstrom, the public face of the FBI investigation into the plane's destruction, would die two weeks before the 25th anniversary. As a patriot, a Vietnam vet, and an outspoken critic of all things Clinton, Kallstrom once held promise as the insider most likely to come clean. He never did. 

As to my own involvement with this story, until the evening of February 23, 2000, I was as naïve as a CNN anchor. Before that evening, I would have dismissed out of hand anyone who dared suggest that elements of the FBI and CIA would conspire with the White House and the New York Times to cover-up the cause of so public a disaster. 

February 23, 2000 was the night my education began.


  1. One of clinton's goon squad talents was to keep all negative information out of the media, dismissing serious events such as this and the basement bombing of the WTC in 1993 by islamic vermin. Essentially an act of war ignored.

    TWA800 - Navy or another islamic attack from a boat in the water not far from JFK airport. There was a story about an aircraft that was heading to Israel that was delayed and TWA800 took its place. Who knows but it looks pretty solid it wasn't an accident.

    I remember driving home from ork on 9-11-2001 and literally screaming "Do Your Job You SOB!" at now president GW Bush. I had no idea who or whaty Bush was and damn I was sure going to go off the deep end if they treated 9-11 as some sort of criminal act like clinton had been doing all along.

  2. and according to the warren bullshit, the 6.5 carcano is the fastest, most accurate rifle in
    the world too. old george was right in not trusting a damn thing they say. i used to read the
    paper front to back everyday. then i went into the army, and saw for myself how much they lied
    about everything in the so called "news" . these days i use the paper to light the wood stove and don't take the time to read anything in it.

    1. No. The Carcano is not the fastest and most accurate long-range rifle in the world.

      It's designed for fighting inside of 300 yards, preferably 150 yards or closer. Ask all the people who've used them for woods shooting over the last 80 years. Not a bad short range rifle at all, with minimal kick.

      Like the Lee Navy, or the sub-caliber Arisaka, or the sub-caliber Springfields and Garands that we could have fielded in WWII except we already had a huuuuge stockpile of .30-06.

      And, yes, you can cycle a Carcano rather quickly.

    2. Author Stephen Hunter (of 'Point of Impact' fame)wrote a Bob Lee Swagger novel centered around the Kennedy assassination called 'The Third Bullet' that has a very interesting discussion of the origin of the Carcano.

  3. No one from the Navy spilled the beans? Did the author check what Navy ships with anti air missiles were in the area at that time?

    The story has a lot of holes in it

    1. Bingo. Cashill is an idiot. How could an entire crew of a Navy AEGIS cruiser or destroyer, the ostensible vessel launching the missile, be hushed up for 25 years? The most “important” witness claims she heard the detonation as she saw the flash, or whatever, despite the fact that the aircraft was what, a dozen miles away? Sound travels at 1116fps at STP, lady.

    2. dhmosquito, I recommend Cashill's book. There were 258 witnesses who reported seeing a missile. 58 of those witnesses saw it all the way from sea level. Two ex-mil helicopter pilots flying in the area said the primary explosion they witnessed was definitely ballistic high explosives. In 2021, I'm getting more convinced that cover-ups can go on forever.

      -Mike G

  4. The article states the witness heard an explosion the 'instant' the smoke trail intercepted the wing of the plane. Bullshit! Anybody that has viewed a fireworks show knows there is quite a lag between the sight and sound of an event.

  5. The biggest hole in the story is the statistics. There are (and were at that time) thousands of 747's performing hundreds of flights every single day and the supposed wiring defect in the fuel tank that caused the explosion did not occur on one single other aircraft. When there is problem with the build or design of an aircraft or subsystem you see it in the whole fleet. The odds of the problem occurring in one aircraft are vanishingly small. I don't work for Boeing but I would (and in fact have) flown all over the world in the 747 and think it is the best airliner ever built. It's being phased out now and I hate to see it go. The true "Queen of the Sky".

    1. Kinda like a half-dozen or so skyscrapers falling down in one day and building codes not beefed up the next day, right?

    2. I was part of the testing of the wires at Boeing. 80 amps were put through 14 to 18 gauge wires, made them go poof. The calculated energy was way too low to cause ignition in a fuel tank. Maybe if the tank had an explosive mixture of Hydrogen, but not av gas. Center fuel tank explosion: total bullshit.

    3. AV gas? Kind of makes me question your aviation knowledge. Did the wire you tested have 20 year old Kapton insulated wires? Not everything is an evil plot.

  6. With the exception of Trump, which was a ray of hope & sunshine, every President and administration since Reagan has embarked this country on a slippery slide straight to the sewer with ever increasing amounts of corruption. Until NOW! Now they are so blatant about the levels of corruption they won't even attempt to hide it. Time to flic the Bic!

  7. There is NO WAY that a Navy warship could launch missiles knocking down a civilian airliner 25 years ago without SOMEONE from that vessel coming forward about it. All these conspiracy theories do us make anti government groups look like morons....which is the main reason such insane bullfit is constantly being spouted.

    1. Dan. Thank you. Totally agree.

  8. In a underground complex, A brunch of govt guys sitting around table. One says, "hey let's send a nutcase to a Las Vegas Casino and have him gun down a outdoor concert of people" 2nd guy says "is it gun control week?" 3rd guy says "do it anyway, it's getting slow around here. Plus Pelosis is on the rag about not having anything to bitch about this this week. "

    1. TRIB,
      Thank you!
      This's the scene I imagine:
      * some government agent wants a promotion and a raise,
      * decides to kill a bunch of innocents,
      * concocts the most unlikely impossible disaster,
      * enrolls a few dozen disposable minions by promising promotions and raises,
      * the deed gets done,
      * minions are promised a comfortable retirement,
      * minions are eliminated by minions,
      * original government agent gets promoted to Speaker Of The House, UN ambassador, head of CDC, chief of DHS, and so on.
      Corrupt at their core.

  9. Have to wonder who was on that plane that the clintons wanted to get rid of?

  10. How ever it really happened, that 747 had some "help" exploding. And the FBI is well-known to twist and bend the truth.


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