
Friday, July 16, 2021

Oregon May Drop Bar Exam for Lawyers. It's too hard?

Oregon may drop the state bar exam requirement for future lawyers. 

A task force of the Oregon Board of Bar Examiners has made the recommendation after the American Bar Association (ABA) released new data showing race and gender disparities in bar exam score outcomes.The bar exam is known as one of the toughest and most difficult exams in America.


I see  whole lot of appeals and convictions being overturned due to incompetent representation.


  1. If I ever need a lawyer I’d rather have a smart passed the bar competent lawyer than. Wait for it. An incompetent boob who got his law license by crying any one of a thousand reasons I can’t do it.

    1. I've needed a lawyer a few times in my life and I've always gone the extra mile to hire the very best attorney I couldn't afford. It's paid off in spades, too.

  2. Better Call Saul!

    I hope they also drop all testing for medical school grads since 90% no longer practice medicine anyway. They are instructed what to do and say, and how to practice by the insurance companies, NIH, WHO, and AMA.

    1. Splendid idea for brain and neurosurgeons too.

      Also anesthesiologists and CNRA's too.

      Hell, why even make 'em go to medical school? Medical school's harrrd...

  3. Wife is an attorney. They bent over backwards for black law students when it came to the bar. They rarely passed. They didn't have the work ethic or the intelligence. If a talented tenth did manage he/she was usually stupid and unethical and shortly fired.

  4. So they're saying blacks and women aren't smart enough to pass the exam?

  5. Nothing new. I'm sure obama and his ol lady never passed a test in law school. So how did they pass the bar?

  6. move to Oregon and become a ambulance chaser.

  7. “I see whole lot of appeals and convictions being overturned due to incompetent representation.”

    Competence is a bourgeois (and RACIST) concept.

  8. So they’re saying there’s hope for Kim Kardashian becoming a lawyer after all?

  9. Just one more of the multiple, multiple, reasons we're leaving this crazy state.

    1. Could not take it any longer. Got out a month ago. Snuck across the Rio Snake river under cover of darkness. Safely made it to Idaho and kept going. Now a thousand miles away. No blue tarp subdivisions, graffiti, abandoned motor homes, cars, boats, trailers or garbage piles. No pan handlers, gang bangers, Obama sons. No car jackings, drive bys, burglaries, knifings. No riots, protests, or whiney gays.

  10. I always heard that you don't need any schooling to be a lawyer. If you can pass the the bar exam, you're in.

    I guess that means I'm a lawyer!

  11. I remember when being your very best was the highest aspiration of most people- since democrats have contaminated EVERYTHING, it's get what you can with least effort.
    And this fucked up regime PAYS them to develop that mindset.

  12. Color me appalled but unsurprised, just as I was when I learned that for some ten years the US Naval Academy stopped teaching celestial navigation - you know, the way man has guided his way across the sea for thousands of years - because "We don't need it now, we have GPS" and "It's too hard." Fortunately people with functioning brains got the discipline returned to the curriculum.


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