
Friday, July 16, 2021

WWII Bombardier Paul “Bud” Haedike Recounts Combat in a B-17 Flying Fortress

 Inspired by movies and newsreels, Paul “Bud” Haedike wanted nothing more than to become a fighter pilot and take the fight to the Luftwaffe over the skies of Europe. Fate however, would place Paul in the nose of B-17 Flying Fortress dropping payloads of destruction across Germany.

As part of the Eighth Air Force, Haedike’s baptism by fire would come fast and hard. As a rookie crew, on their first combat mission, their bomber would be the last plane in formation to pass over the target - A position known as ‘Tail End Charlie’. 

By the time Haedike dropped his payload the German anti-aircraft positions had zeroed in their 88 millimeter cannons and were able to knock out the number one and two engines on Haedike’s bomber. Through sheer skill and determination the pilot of the crippled bomber made it past the German lines and was able to crash land in Belgium.

Paul “Bud” Haedike went on to fly 22 more missions.

VIDEO HERE  (30:25 minutes)


  1. man, they don't make real men like that anymore

  2. I met a plank owner of CV-10 USS Yorktown today. Pleasant enough but didn't feel much like talking of his service, not that I was pushing. But it seemed his service was a large part of himself today. In conversation he started drifting, like he became preoccupied with distant memories. I bid him goodbye and God bless.

  3. I imagine with all your thrust on one wing, the only recourse would be to pull back on the throttles and put the sumbitch down. Somewhere soft, if you please. Now to watch the video.

  4. What a well stated gentleman. People like him re-counting history are a precious resource!

  5. Have wondered how American POWs with German names were treated while in captivity

  6. I ask myself "Why did Churchill not had the same amount of guts as this man? Just imagine: Churchill looses a few pounds of fat, invites Hitler for a peace conference a la "I have seen the error of my un-aryan view" or some shit like that and when he meets Hitler he has no pounds of fat but pounds of explosives on his body. BLAM! End of WWII. Lots of people would have survived.

    On the other hand:
    The brits made a book a few years ago: "The Unknown Warriors" by Nicolas Pringle
    In the dailymail it was announced as "This isnt the England we fought for."
    British soldiers look back if it was worth fighting against Hitler considering Sharia controlled zones, the Rotherham sexual abuse scandal etc.

    How would it look if Hitler would have won WWII? Yes, there would be an ocean of blood.
    But no Sharia, Rotherham, BLM etc.
    Alex Lund

    1. Perhaps you should stop thinking altogether Alex.


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