
Friday, July 16, 2021

Man, he's right on top of things, isn't he?

Texas GOP Rep. Louie Gohmert suggested that the January 6 was a conspiracy set-up by the Democrats and called the arrests of the Capitol rioters "tyranny" in a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas on Sunday. 

Gohmert suggested that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was responsible for the violent insurrection that forced lawmakers into hiding and left five people dead, including a Capitol police officer.


  1. There are so many worthless republicans, rinos, I've lost track of them all.
    I read Devin Nunes is talking about the fake Durhan report is coming and people going to jail. That report h as been coming for 2 to 3 years and crickets.
    Chicken shit politicians are a dime a dozen

  2. I WOULD NOT HOLD MY BREATH. those fuckers where going to enforce the letter of the law they would have done it by now. but instead they all getting paid off for the job of fucking us over.
    that too tall sack of shit teaching ethics is proof of how fucked up this country has gotten. anyone who thinks they going to get a "fair shake" is out of their mind.

  3. Hey, if it wasn't for all the air holding these guys back, they'd have gone full rabid Tasmaninan Devil on the Dems decades ago. But, you know...all that air is holding them back. Pity.

  4. With some of the assholes we have representing TX, it's a wonder we're still red.


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