
Friday, July 16, 2021

Speak up, we're not children

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden was at a public transit station in Wisconsin, talking about repairing roads and bridges, when he shifted gears and began defending his plan to send money to parents for each minor child, payments some critics call a “giveaway.” 

Biden folded his arms, rested on the lectern, leaned into the mic and lowered his voice. 

“Hey, guys, I think it’s time to give ordinary people a tax break,” he said, almost whispering as he addressed his critics. “The wealthy are doing fine.” 

It was the latest instance of Biden speaking volumes by whispering.


  1. From the linked press-release:
    * '...[biden] and senators agreed to invest us$973 trillion in the infrastructure...'
    Is about 80 trillion fedbux more than the entire global gross domestic product?
    This agreement spends over ten times the wealth of this particular planet?
    We are going to have some great infrastructure!
    I bet our great-great-grandchildren will enjoy paying for that.

  2. That whispering bullshit he pulled twice last month just shows that he's deranged. Nobody's talking invoking the 25th on him though are they? Oh, and how come no one has leaked the info that he's drugged to the eyeballs with Alzheimers meds?


  3. We were not supposed to need infrastructure anymore by now; we were supposed to all have flying cars by now.
    I blame government obstructionism for that.


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