
Friday, July 23, 2021

Republican Alabama governor says 'it's time to start blaming the unvaccinated'

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey called out Americans who have refused to get vaccinated against coronavirus as her state and others across the South are hammered by new infections - with three states in the region now accounting for 40 percent of active cases nationwide. 

'Folks are supposed to have common sense. But it's time to start blaming the unvaccinated folks, not the regular folks. It's the unvaccinated folks that are letting us down,' Ivey, a Republican, told reporters on Thursday.


  1. Coming soon to a re-education camp near you.

  2. 'bout fuckin' time!!!

    1. How about you fuck yourself with a rusty cactus, fascist?

  3. SMH. I'm seriously disappointed in the so-called conservative principled republican politicians, every damn one of them

    1. I know I am too JD. "Maw-Maw Ivey" has been a lifelong demoRat until recently switching to the Republican ticket as many tax and spend-bleeding heart-liberals have done in the great state of Alabama and all across these United States. In the six short years of Ivey's term the state has had three major taxes placed upon it's citizens (spearheaded by her). That is more than the democrats have imposed in the last 25 years. When Ivey first became governor after the resignation of Gov. Robert Bentley, who couldn't keep his "mule in the barn", I had high hopes for her. The Confederate monument debate was raging in Alabama and Ivey took a firm stand to protect those and other historical monuments. In hindsight I realize this was political posturing on her part. Nowadays, she tows the line for the globalist commie elites and the DNC by sewing fear and promoting government dependence.

      The media blitz here is unbelievable as I am sure it is in other parts of the country as well. Two weeks ago, the county where I live was colored green meaning it was at very low risk for COVID. Now, according to reports and visual aids the media and the ADPH uses to control and panic the populace, it is RED and we are considered VERY HIGH RISK. The narrative changes almost daily. As an example, read this "hit-job" by the liberal rag

    2. Jeffrey, man I am so sorry to hear about this, the 10 years I lived in LA, lower Alabama, was a great time for me. I was a few miles south and east of the Dolly Parton bridge I'm not sure if you know what I'm talking about, the people, woods, creeks and hunting was the best.
      Once I got used to random people asking me what church I attend or inviting me to theirs, I'm not a religious person.
      I left 20 years ago come September and I still miss it and have at times seriously considered moving back.
      Take care and hopefully the dad gum blue tide recends soon. Oh and Roll Tide 👍

    3. I do know where the "Dolly Parton Bridge" is located JD. I am about 335 miles NW of there in the Tennessee part of Alabama (LOL). Sadly, Nick Saban and the U of A have politicized way too many issues. I was done with them and other sports long before Saban marched in a pro BLM parade a couple of years ago. Now, he is on television encouraging people to take the jab. For the life of me I cannot understand why he, many Hollywood actors, and entertainers cannot just do their job instead of being mouthpieces for the "Ministry of Propaganda". I don't think the blue tide will stop until we stop them.
      Stay safe

    4. Jeffrey I'm in the same situation with LSU, just do your damn job and STFU.
      So you're up there in the hilly side of Alabama, man there's some beautiful country out there. Stay away from Birmingham and Memphis and you're good to go, lol.
      Take care my friend and enjoy the rest of your weekend

  4. Blah, blah, blah; another RINO shill. Using EUA discredited PCR tests to find a virus that doesn't exist! Dr. K. Mullis never intended his invention to be used as a diagnostic tool but the PTB will not let that little detail get in the way of the agenda. We stop this now or live and die as a serf...

  5. They're a little slow down in Alabama. No copiers and all that....

    1. Are you always this stupid or are you just being a dumbass

  6. To quote Dan Bongino, if the vaccines work, why aren't they working? Get vaccinated and you can still get sick from COVID, plus a whole lot of other "unforeseen" consequences that the vaccine manufacturers didn't warn us about, and from which they are free from lawsuits.

    DON'T get vaccinated and you have a small chance of getting sick, AND IT'S A 99% SURVIVAL RATE!!

    Get real, Ma Ivey. She looks like Kurt Schwab in drag.

    1. "If the vaccines work, why aren't they working?"

      That's a great quote that says it all.

    2. I now hear nearly weekly stories of vaxxed people getting the kung flu

  7. How many of the Texas democratic lawmakers that fled the state have been vaccinated and have come down with Corona?

  8. she has it backwards vaccine is not a vaccine maybe a therapeutic at best will cause the virus to mutate in order to get around its spike protein.

  9. How many illegals, who are both undocumented and unvaccinated, that are allowed freely into our country are responsible for the contagion? I'll bet almost 100% are released and haven't been vaccinated. When is this Democrat sh*t show going to end?

  10. it is NOT a vaccine it is an EXPERIMENTAL gene therapy that is "Supposed to stop the symptoms " it will not stop the chinkypox any better than a paper mask

  11. People like her and Governor DeWine of Ohio is the reason I no longer support the Republican party. Nothing but tax and spend big government RINOS.

  12. hunt these fuckers down like the POS dogs they are

  13. Seems like it is time for the lady to meet up with a chain, the rear bumper of an old pickup, and go for a ride on a deserted back country road somewhere in Alabama.

  14. Bet ya never see this sold here....

  15. enjoy your last term in office, bitch

  16. It's actually now less deadly than the annual flu because as viruses mutate they become more infectious but less dangerous. That's evolutionary fact.
    A healthy immune system can deal with Covid-19 without any help whatsoever, hence the 99.8% survival rate.
    So...the invaccinated are not a threat to anyone except power hungry politicians.
    The REAL problem are the fake vaccines.
    It's not even a matter of "experimental gene therapy" any more - it's moved beyond that. The vax is in effect a slow-kill shot, weakening the immune system considerably while damaging every organ in the body.
    This will play out over the next 6 months to 3 years or so.
    The problem is how to stop this.
    I have an idea based on real science that so far looks very good indeed but I need some serious medical expert input. Answers pending!
    For now avoid the vaxx at all costs.

  17. It will be made mandatory - just a question of how long until it happens. Probably by the end of the year.

  18. I'll bet that her CV (resumé) is packed with medical qualifications, too.

  19. How about Gov gets a nice hot cup of Shut The Fuck Up.

  20. Republicans who spew this shit need to be branded as "RINO'S" and eliminated in the next election cycle. Better flush twice to make sure they go DOWN!
    Here's what I tell people who try to make me take the jab (including my doc)...Call me when you find a "vaccine", because I'm not interested in any DNA-changing "gene therapy"!

  21. it's coming up on gift giving season...

  22. I have two words for her and the horse she rode in on.

  23. She musta got a tap on the shoulder and been shown her control file.


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