
Thursday, July 01, 2021

Rising Crime Forces Liberals to Reckon with Their Stance on the Police

As rates of violent crime continue to rise across the country and once-safe neighborhoods face increased dangers, many liberal communities are having to confront their complicated relationship with the police. 

Following the killing of George Floyd in May 2020, the defund the police movement attracted attention and support among liberals, earning endorsements from celebrities and lawmakers alike. Roughly 50% of Democrats supported defunding the police in June 2020, according to a June 2020 poll from FiveThirtyEight.



  2. This can be applied to literally everything the stupid libtards are begging for. Once they get it they'll be wailing just like the 3 yr old's they all are.

  3. As long as criminals know where to stay away from, as in "Gun Owners shooting back", I don't care.

  4. Just like Socialism the progressive libs believe there's some way things will get better with the police replaced by fat assed social workers, but they just haven't found that way yet. The emotionally driven assholes will never admit Capitalism is better than Socialism and Police are better than social workers.

    1. Kinda like they plan on getting rid of anyone who became a police officer to protect and serve, and hire people willing to do their bidding for money and power.

  5. I always thought that you sleep in the bed you made. Maybe they just had a bad dream. Welcome to your nightmare Libs. Ohio Guy

  6. I hope the crime wave just keeps accelerating. That'll make conservative candidates good choices come 2022. 'Course having to fight the current RINO incumbents once the Demonrats are displaced will be another type of battle altogether.


    1. Voting? From Ole Remus posted on November 12, 2013

      Candidates in our local elections run mostly uncontested, or the same nominee appears on two or three ballot lines and so comes to the same thing. The politics part is run on an "everybody knows" basis, and yes, everybody does know. The real action takes place before the ballots are printed. Some say (oops) whoever draws the short straw is the nominee, and better luck next time. Other than a council seat or two, voting endorses a fait accompli. Being largely a matter of expressing consent, and a social event, turnout is heavy. Nearly complete. People notice the absentees. Elected officials are convincingly disguised as farmers and tradesmen and hourly workers during daylight hours. But roads get fixed, hydrants get flushed, mandatory standards are met, bills paid, audits passed. What needs doing gets done without a whiff of drama. It works.

      What doesn't work is voting in national elections. If voting worked it would have worked by now. Whenever voting even looks like it will work it's savaged as if it were terrorist activity. Nope, sorry, national elections are a pump-and-dump fraud, voting confirms the payer so the checks can be cut.

  7. No, no, no, this is what you wanted, there's no going back.
    Using the Democrat voting rolls, there needs to be a rotating personnel MANDATORY "SJW Outreach Patrol" that goes into the trouble spots & use reason & compassion to curb violence and crime.
    Yeah, that'll work.

  8. Get rid of all cops/orks, at all levels!!! Make every citizen carry a gun. Transport all illegals in a plane to the Bermuda Triangle and set them free from 20,000’. (Feed the sharks and aliens). Then let things sort themselves out for a bit. After a year or so things will settle down to a more civilized manner. Rinse repeat.

    Saber 7
    More love, one blog comment at a time.

    1. It wouldn’t take 6 months once those worthless pigs are out of the way. You damn well know that.


  9. Persons of quality must be getting inconvenienced. If it was just peasants being robbed, raped, and killed, nobody would give a fuck


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