
Friday, July 02, 2021

San Jose Will Force Gun Owners to Cover Costs of Gun Violence After Mass Shooting

Just five weeks after last month’s massacre at a San Jose light-rail yard that left nine people dead, the city has taken unprecedented gun-control action.

In a unanimous vote Tuesday night, San Jose’s city council approved a national first that will see gun owners being forced to compensate taxpayers for the spiraling costs of gun violence. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, gun owners in California’s third-largest city will be required to take out liability insurance for their firearms, and pay an annual tax that will help fund emergency responses to gun-related calls.

In a news release ahead of Tuesday night’s vote, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo said: “While the Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms, it does not require taxpayers to subsidize gun ownership... We won’t magically end gun violence, but we stop paying for it. We can also better care for its victims, and reduce gun-related injuries and death.”


  1. How the Fuking hell are they going to be able to enforce that, unless . . .

    mmm, this goes over the line at least a step or two. I think Tucker is correct.

    1. Why, with licensing and registration of course. I guess you're shit out of luck if you're an out-of-towner, (from saying Santa Clara or Milpitas for example) because you can't prove you've paid your San Jose tax or prove you have liability insurance.

  2. Why? My legally owned firearm didn’t do that, nor did I. Gonna be a whole bunch of uninsured shootists I suspect.

  3. Stupid fvckers, make the fvcking vermin crimnals pay. Or, here's a thought, demand that everyone carry and allow each person to protect themselves.

  4. Bar owners to subsidize drunk driving costs too
    Fast food joints to cover the cost of medical expenses

  5. And to think I used to live in that sewer. I was born and raised in Montana but spent 5-6 years there. Best thing I ever did was move back to Montana.

    1. I lived in San Jose for four years, NAS Point Mugu for seven and finally Milpitas for two.
      One of the happiest days in my life was to see Needles in my rearview mirror and the morning sun in my eyes.

    2. Ah, somebody who understands completely when I talk about the relief I felt when I was the "Welcome to California" sign in my rear view mirror.

  6. Too bad they cant make criminals pay the cost of crime.


    1. They can. Ever heard of chain gangs?

    2. Prisoner labor might be a good idea in terms of keeping the prisoners too busy for mischief or in instilling work habits so they might have a chance of staying out of prison after release, but it's always a net loss in economic terms.

      The guards/supervisors needed for chain gangs (and other forms of slavery) generally cost more than the labor is worth. You can't trust a criminal to use his brain, even if he is capable of it (most of the criminals who get caught fall into crime because they lack the mental capacity to understand the consequences of their actions). If they do have some brains, why would they use their intelligence to help _your_ goals? So you can have one guard standing over one worker to continually point out what to do next, but more would get done if the guard was doing the work himself. If the work is such mindless physical labor that one man can supervise a bunch of unwilling and/or moronic workers, slavery paid off in the pre-industrial age, but in the modern world you mechanize that work and one technician and some machinery replaces a dozen workers at a great cost savings.

  7. Oh the KKK, I mean Democrats never change, deny people of color their right to bear and own arms, for defense of their hearths and homes. Utterly dispicable.

  8. Hahahahahahahahahaha

    Its for....The Chirens

  9. San Andreas, PLEASE do your thing. California is sooooooo fucked up.

  10. Sue the bastards. Beat them like a red headed stepchild in court.

  11. I guess their taxes are going to go up because the police department is going to have to pay this tax on their guns, too.

    This actually sounds like a poll tax, to me.

    1. IIRC, it's either San Jose PD or the Santa Clara County Sheriffs Department that has a real problem with their service weapons disappearing. I think it was something like 1600 police firearms had disappeared statewide a few years back and one of those two agencies lead the way in the number of their weapons that got legs.

      BTW, San Jose mayor Sam Liccardo is the A-Hole who ordered his cops to stand down when there was a good guy rally in his town. That was when the leftists were chasing Trump supporters in the streets and beating them down. That was just fine and dandy with Mayor Lickspittle.

  12. I wonder if our gutless supreme court will show some balls and take this on their crowded agenda or pass on it like they have so many other issues.....poor old farts are so taxed for their time....

  13. This asinine shit ain't never gonna end until everyday people including everyone you know no matter what their occupation or social status in life stand up and simply says NO.
    Time to fight back like you mean it. Do not obey, do not co-operate, do not comply with any fraudulent gov or any of its agencies. (Hint; They're all fraudulent)
    When the governed become ungovernable – Let Them Herd Cats…….

  14. Yet uninsured and illegal motorists seem to get away with it just fine.
    Arbitrary and excessive, and it will take more lives than it saves.

  15. like 1 red cent of any of that money is going to go to any victims of "gun violence"


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