
Thursday, July 15, 2021

Sounds like she thought this one out

(Meredith) – A mother in England has been sentenced to life in prison for killing her husband with boiling water after hearing he sexually abused her two children. 

According to a report by the Liverpool Echo, officials say Corinna Smith, 59, of Neston, poured a mixture of boiling water and sugar on Michael Baines, 80, as he was sleeping. 

Prosecutors say Baines suffered serious burns to over one-third of his body. He died in the hospital a month later.


  1. I would have found her not guilty by reason of sanity.

  2. Life in prison? She deserves a medal.

  3. Right away I wondered if the kids are lying because some liberal asshole psychiatrist convinced them that Daddy was an abuser. It's happened before.

  4. She thought out the first part, but not the disposal...

  5. Man, she's got a real Dirty Harry look goin' on there, in that mugshot.

  6. Just to put it in perspective, figures even from (the extremely female biased) CAFCASS (misnomered Children and Family Court and Social Services, really it's the Women's Demands Enforcement Agency) show that in >85% of 'contested' (ie where a father asks to be 'allowed' to see his children) the women allege exactly this (father abusing the children) as a reason not to allow access. Fact!

    As someone who worked in A&E (ER) I can confirm >99% of 'domestic abuse' is either mutual (both doing it, but almost always instigated by the woman) or purely female. Why? because whilst it is still socially unacceptable for a man to physically injure a woman (let alone severely legally costly) it isn't only acceptable, but rewarded, when a woman does it. And whilst the women mostly receive 'slap or punch' injuries, the men attend with much more severe burns, cuts and stab wounds, poisonings (not to mention all the beatings by multiple assailants at the woman's request).

    So? Whenever (meaning at least once a week) I see a story like this I can virtually guarantee that whilst he 'may' have been scum (but highly unlikely to ever have been guilty of what he's accused of when he can no longer defend himself), she most definitely is, and is 'never' as innocent as portrayed, and is almost guaranteed to be a really nasty piece of work.

    Throw in the fact that most court appointed psychiatrists/psychologists/social workers are man-hating lesbian leftists and the narrative and outcome is not just predictable, but guaranteed.

    1. In short, women lie constantly and get away with it. I totally agree with you about that.

  7. I read the whole story and I am going to go out on a limb here because I know the propensity of people on conservative/gun blogs to “hang em high” at the mere *accusation* of child sex abuse. (Note, Mountain Rat and anonymous above...)

    She deserved to go to jail.

    Indeed, if it were up to me, she would get the very same treatment she gave her *80 year old* spouse.

    Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Just because someone says it does NOT make it so. If convicted in a court of law, he should have been punished accordingly. But until convicted, in the eyes of the law, he is as innocent as you or I. He was robbed of his right to a trial by the viciousness of his nutbag, crazy wife.

    If you disagree with me, fine. Hopefully, you will never be falsely accused by some crazy female trying to get revenge for some real or imagined slight.


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