
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Democrats' ultimate end game - making our vote meaningless

This is how those who stole last year's Presidential election (and probably stole control of the Senate in the same way) plan to keep their ill-gotten gains.


  1. Watching the Dem led kangaroo court 'hearings' on the Jan 6 protest and what a bunch of whiny Capitol and DC police. Crying during their 'testimony' which are actually victim statements, filled with Dem talking points, hyperbole and more emotional based vs factual. I have NEVER heard any office give these kinds of testimony and wonder where the same concerns were for the numerous offices and other injured and killed over the last few years by antifa and BLM.
    Do they not realize the very people they are 'testifying' before are the same ones who tied their hands and set them up for failure?

  2. First they take away our soap box followed by the jury box and now the ballot box. The American Revolution was started over less. I wish I were 50 years younger and I could do something.
    It's sad to see the downfall of America but perhaps this is the beginning of the end days as foretold in Revelations.

  3. Biden and Harris are the President and Vice President, but we should not forget it is Obama and all of the people he placed into the system years ago that are running the show. I hope it doesn’t get to Civil War, but when the President threatens all patriotic Americans that you’ll need F-15s and nukes to combat their communist agenda…. I suppose the end result is inevitable.

  4. It's pretty meaningless now

  5. I love how the Right is continually shocked by the fact that the Left aren't honest, honorable opponents. It's almost endearing how stupid the leaders (and far more than a few spear-carriers) on our side are.

  6. They have a long history of disenfranchising the voters.

  7. All they need do is one simple thing: eliminate the electoral college. Once accomplished our "republic" instantly becomes a true democracy i.e. mob rule. They have the numbers to control everything now. At this point it is merely a question of positioning their minions in the right districts. Notice how they are importing millions and sending them to the far reaches of the nation?


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