
Friday, August 13, 2021

Army National Guard Recruits For ‘Internment’ And ‘Resettlement’ Specialist, Military Documents Lay Out Procedure For ‘Civilian Internees’

The Army National Guard is actively recruiting for a job position called “Internment/Resettlement Specialist.” People as young as seventeen years old are eligible for the gig, which includes “Search/Restraint” as “Some of the Skills You’ll Learn,” according to an Army National Guard job posting with a job location listed as Washington, D.C. Meanwhile, military documents show that the military can detain civilians here in America, including U.S. citizens. A leaked U.S. Headquarters of the Army document entitled “INTERNMENT AND RESETTLEMENT OPERATIONS” describes an official category of detained person called “civilian internee.” A Department of Defense Directive published below discussed “civilian internees” and made it clear that military detainees can be U.S. citizens.


  1. Sadly most citizens will just go along with the unlawful order. We'll soon be back to the 3%

  2. Its a clickbait site with documents dating back to 2014 and 2010 ( Obama-era) army docs.

    That does not change the ad for National guardsmen for DC, but take the "OMG The Sky Is Falling" with a grain of salt.

  3. I guess they need more brownshirts. Ohio Guy

    1. With antifa, black is the new brown.

    2. "With antifa, black is the new brown."

      Mussolini's boys wore black shirts.

  4. Maybe Plugs isn't getting enough NG recruits for the concentration camps and that's why he's suddenly pulled all the hardcore RA troops out of the sandbox to do the job.

  5. Those camps will be for the Sheeple, aka, The VaXX in Hated Morons. We the People Don't Play that there Commie Schifft, Homey!

  6. Are they including body armor as part of perks? Inquiring minds would like to know.

  7. Do they offer funeral benefits?
    Asking for a friend.

  8. The commies in power have been planning and preparing to round up anyone that opposes them for a LONG time. It's not a question of if.,..just when. We'd all be better off if we started hunting them down and eliminating them now before even basic travel becomes difficult or impossible.

  9. Looks like according to the Regular Army site that these people would be considered jailers. Like those who work at Ft. Leavenworth and assorted brigs across the scattered posts.

  10. Not jailers. "I/R ops" is the newer doctrinal term for what used to be called "EPW / CI / DP / RP / OD". Enemy Prisoners of War, Civilian Internees, Displaced Persons, Retained Persons, Other Detainees. These are all specific categories defined in Geneva Conventions (and one additional Protocol) that US is signatory to.

    Perfectly valid MOS, deployable. Doesn't happen on US soil. Think in terms of Gitmo and/or Camp Bucca.

    If you want jailers, you'll find them at Disciplinary Barracks or Naval Brig. They are NOT I/R MPs.

    You have I/R MPs, the only scenario where they MIGHT work on US soil would be IF we were to bring boatloads of EPW stateside (like the German or Italian in WW II). And the logistics of THAT scenario rarely makes sense. Much much better to build your internment facilities much much closer to the theater of conflict (on someone else's soil).


  11. My granddad fought for The United States in DoubleU DoubleU Two! To make sure Stalin kept power! International Communism, is the bestest communism!

    The 21st century patriots, who support and defend the 21st century bolsheviks of International Communism, are *still* the bestest patriots!

    You are a loyal patriot? Aren't you? Citizen? Loyal to The Party? The One Party? The International Party? And all her patriotic heroes? Aren't you loyal? Citizen?


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