
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Burial costs covered for Canadians killed by approved vaccines

Burial costs will now be covered by Ottawa for individuals killed by federally approved vaccines. 

According to Blacklock’s Reporter, the department of health will pick up the tab and says the new program “addresses a longstanding gap in Canada’s national immunization programming by providing a timely, no-fault financial support mechanism for all people in Canada, in rare instances where they are seriously and permanently injured performing a public good, being immunized.”


That's mighty big of them, don't you think?
I'm surprised they didn't throw the word 'sacrifice' out there when it was talking about those doing a public good.


  1. I would love to know how much they budgeted for this, just to get an idea of the numbers they think will die.

    1. Enough for 300 giant trash bags and a waste management stop.

    2. Think article said 75mil

    3. More than 10 million. Dunno how they came up with that number. They have a VAERS-like site, that conspicuously doesn't enumerate deaths...

  2. Big deal. Do you think they'll ever admit that the vaccine killed someone?

  3. Are there official numbers on how many have died from the vaccines?

    1. Why, yes, there are, citizen. I have them right here: "Shut up if you know what's good for you."
      - The Government

  4. I live in British Columbia, Canada, and things have opened up for the most part. No masks, people can get together.

    Yesterday our version of Fauci, Bonny Henry, placed a laundry list of restrictions on people who are unvaccinated. You can't go to restaurants, gyms, indoor events, gyms. There's a lot more. No exceptions. Even medical. Period.

    You should have seen the absolute glee people were showing up here. Sticking it to us unclean. They loved it.

    Well, today she announced a complete mask mandate for everyone again.

    Ha! People are pissed. What's the point of vaccinations if you still have to wear a mask?

    Well, duh. Exactly.

    I'm just enjoying the show.

    1. We're in an extermination program. The decision has been made. The only thing that can be done is to kill everyone who is involved at any level of the program.

    2. Those celebrating think they will get the last laugh. He who laughs last laughs best. Doug you are the best.

    3. Thing is .... I don't eat in restaurants. The food is usually not good nor good for you. It's too expensive and the service is usually by not too bright millenials.

      I don't go to concerts because I have always hated large crowds.

      I hate sporting events. They are mindless.

      I don't wear a mask and before I do in order to get groceries, I argue with a dull witted clerk who cannot explain how a leaky poor fitting cotton mask is going protect me from microscopic aerosols.

  5. Burial costs. Now, what all is included here? Plot? Embalming? Cremation? Couple days of viewing" Funeral services? Flowers? Or, is it just covering a paupers burial?


    1. A waste management truck ride to the local dump.

    2. It does not include the plot. Just the cost of the burial and the cheapest pauper casket.


    3. Soylent Green facility. FIFY.

  6. It's easy for them to cover the cost of burial, because there are ZERO deaths from the vaccine. Pure virtual signaling on their part.


    1. What you said makes no sense.

    2. It makes all the sense in the world. If NOBODY dies from the covid vaccines, then there are no burial costs incurred. Thus, you are virtue signalling by offering to pay for something that will not occur.

      On the other hand, there are already MILLIONS of people who have died from the covid virus. I directly knew three people who died from the covid virus, and several more friends of friends also died of the covid virus. I also know a lot of people who have had the vaccine, and NONE of them had any side effects, other than perhaps feeling a little tired for less than a day.

      So the bottom line is, unless you get the vaccine, you will eventually get infected with the covid virus (especially if you refuse to wear a mask in public). You may only get mild symptoms, or you may even die from it. Go ahead and roll the dice, maybe you'll get lucky this time.


  7. Hilarious! Who would be encouraged to get a vaccine because the gov. will by you a burial plot!
    Besides, all thier going to do is mean conjure some 0's and 1's out of thin air to pay for it. It'll make everyones currency less valuable so they pay for nothing. Anyway, it's a cheap price to pay to get those dumbasses of the planet. "You will own nothing and like it!

  8. We better hang tough and together or we about to hang alone.

    The MF’rs are coming knifes out now. The timeline always speeds up.

    Keep your wits, your sense of humor and stay safe. Whatever it takes. And it’s about to take.

  9. WC

    There is a part of this they are not tellibg. In Canada normally any death within 7 days of taking a vaccination are to be reported for invedtigation as to cause.

    For the not vax they changed the threshhold to only 30 minutes. So the buddy of mine who dropped dead 45 minutes after getting his shot and driving home. He was never investigated as it was longer than 30 minutes.

    So yes they are paying for burial but inly for those official dead in the 30 minute window.


  10. Nova Scotia is dropping their restrictions 12 Sept and the blonde, low talking cunt is goin full retard again. Thankfully there is a massive class action pending against her and the handlers!

    Chutes Magoo

  11. Canada is not real country. It's a crime center for leftists.


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