
Monday, August 09, 2021

California Democrats’ Audit-Proof Voter Fraud Mechanism Rolls Out Ahead of Newsom Recall Vote

California Governor Gavin Newsom should be in big trouble. His state’s economy is in shambles. Crime is expanding even as police are being forced to let it happen. There are as many new homeless people in California as there are total citizens in some states. Scandals have been racking up and the Governor’s sense of elitism has been put on display during multiple mask-free parties he attended while keeping common folks in lockdown.

His popularity within his fed up voter base is dwindling. The passion among registered Republicans and the No-Party-Preference plurality who despise him is rising rapidly. But he’s not worried, nor are the Democrats. As far as they’re concerned, they just need to keep it as close as possible so they can minimize the amount of voter fraud they’ll need to utilize in order to keep him from being recalled next month.


  1. I have a question for California's Secretary of State, Dr. Shirley Webber:
    "If every registered voter in the state is going to be mailed a ballot, why would anyone need to be able to download and print a ballot in their home?"

    And Dr. Webber's honest reply to me would be:
    "Because I'm a Democrat and I was appointed to be Secretary of State by Gavin Newsom. Do you have any other stupid questions for me?"

  2. Freedom loving organizations should sue for anything the left does. Pass a new bill, sue them. Change an ordinance, sue them. Increase spending, sue them. Just keep it all in the courts until the hit squads can get there to sort it out.

  3. Let's cut to the chase with respect to voter fraud; one time is enemy action.

    Our country has been stolen. Every facet of our lives is being restricted, surveilled, locked down, subject to permission of the state. What is anyone doing about it?

    1. What's being done is prep, just like they are.

    2. Twice. Georgia and the other runoff as well.

  4. The rules for thee,but not for me shit REQUIRES Immediate,100% complete and total
    No questions, no debate,

  5. This system will be tested for weaknesses at the same time it will be used to insure that prick Newsome stays in office. Then any big in the process will be tweaked an this will be rolled on NATIONWIDE for next years midterm elections to insure the commies Gain bigger majorities in both houses of Congress. Remember.... TINVOWOOT. There is NO PEACEFUL, legal solution to the lefts tyrannical agenda. We're going to have to kill them...and in VAST QUANTITIES, if we want to have any chance at preserving freedom.


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