
Wednesday, August 11, 2021

CDC and Media Say 61% of Americans are Vaxxed, but Data Shows it is 32%

According to the CDC, 60.8% of all adults are fully vaccinated, and over 80% of seniors have taken the jab.[1] Hospitals are telling their employees that over 70% of staff have been vaccinated and at least one airline reports that almost all pilots have been vaccinated. The state-controlled media reports daily that the vaccine rate is very high – just not high enough, which is why continued pressure is needed to convince more people to get in line and get the jab. These reports have led many unvaccinated people to conclude that they are in the minority. 

But something is not quite right. If the vaccine rate is really so high, why is there so much hysteria about getting more people vaccinated? The reason government officials are applying so much pressure is that they are panicked. The vaccine uptake is significantly lower than they have reported, and it seems that almost no matter what they do, it won’t budge.


  1. 30% is what i have been reading, so opening the article was good because before that i was thinking more face data.

  2. Every single thing the govt. says is a lie. I don't believe anything they tell me.

  3. CDC and/or any health "authority" can't be trusted to count anything or publish any truthful data. Florida just caught CDC inflating Florida's recent COVID numbers in the interest of making Desantis look bad.

    As to the 61% vs 32%, knowing CDC, they're probably counting each jab as one person, thus the inflated number of jabbed people.


  4. Study shows that those who didn't get the jab and don't intend to are... SMART!

    1. HIGHLY educated, IMO means overly STUPID(common sense wise) ALL BOOK NO SENSE

  5. Gordon (other Gordon)August 11, 2021 at 5:54 PM

    What I have been hearing is "60% have received at least one dose of the vaccine". Well, that's nice. But the other thing I have heard is that about half of them elect to not get the 2nd dose. So, the 30% number is closer to correct.

  6. They've proven themselves to be liars, cheats and traitors.
    We're supposed to believe them now?

  7. They're probably letting the election workers work on this too.

  8. They're probably letting the election workers work on this too.

  9. The media conveniently doesn't differentiates between the CDC and the CDC Foundation. The foundation, which is private can, put out whatever they want with no accountability.

  10. Look guys, this shit can kill you. Why else do you think one enterprising nurse gave over 8,000 doses of saline instead of the goop...a lot of medical pros won't take the jab or let their close family take it. What's that tell us? Over 12,000 deaths so far from the jab here in the U.S. and 100's of 1,000's of life-threatening "events" from injecting it.
    Also, did you know Moderna has never brought any products to market until now? And the only reason their jab is on the market is the "EUA" Emergency Use Authorization. Biden & co are pushing for the status to be changed to "Accepted" and if that happens I think it will be the 1st time in history a vaccine that's not actually even a vaccine, will be approved with almost ZERO testing (except on the population, we're supposed to be the guinea pigs). Then they'll start jabbing the little kids.


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