
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

"Clear to land on Runway One, Amigo"



  1. That pilot's done that before.....but as a passenger - HECK NO!!! Just close your eyes and hope the bump you feel are the wheels touching down and not the violent shearing of wings....

  2. The Cartel's pilots are really good.

  3. That happened to me in Belize back in 1991. Freak storm. "Airport" not quite THAT primitive... but dirt runway and visibility only slightly better. There was a semblance of a bar there, a shack next to the shack containing the air traffic controller. I pretty much don't drink, but I had myself a shot of Jack on that one, while the poor pilot was in powwow next door.

    I was proud of myself over that one. I stayed dead calm through the whole ordeal. Didn't need that shot until we were down safe. I think the pilot was proud of me too.

    1. No. Just no. Nobody needs to go anywhere that bad.

    2. Like sikes said, when the boss says deliver 50 keys, you deliver 50 keys.

  4. Daily mail run? I fly and well kinda figured what was going to happen, I was keying on the ridges sticking up through the cloud/fog (fog is just cloud that touches the ground). He had to have instrumentation onboard. But in the end it’s still the pilot who has to fly the aircraft. And I agree with you Alex pucker was around 11 when he dropped through that hole in the clouds and terrain is everywhere in your face.

    Saber 7

  5. PHEW. It's a good thing he was wearing a facemask or he might have wound up in an over-crowded ICU.

  6. Yep, not that pilot's first rodeo with that runway...

  7. Maybe someone who understands aeronautical engineering can explain to me how a single prop provides enough thrust to get his enormous balls off the ground.

  8. Good golly. Balls of Iron.

    I admit, I know zero about aviation, but it doesn't take a fucking Rhodes Scholar to appreciate the level of aptitude there.

  9. Those 'cartel' pilots have big cojones especially when the cargo is Bolivian marching dust...

  10. 1. I didn't know Air America was still flying.
    2. To pilot: You see that hilltop sticking up through the clouds?
    Pilot: No.
    To pilot: Right. Fly just left of that.

  11. one hell of a pilot

  12. ... and on top of that, the squealing noise you're hearing all the time is the stall warning horn.

  13. He was maintaining visual flight rules all the way down, that's why he twisted down in the hole in the clouds. Nice job, but not that difficult. Obviously been there before.

  14. there appear to be mountains hiding in those clouds.

  15. "QUICK! Get that shit loaded and let's get the fuck outta here".

  16. Impressive. Ohio Guy


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