
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Nursing homes will need to vaccinate staff against COVID to keep getting Medicare and Medicaid funding

President Joe Biden on Wednesday announced that his administration will require that nursing home staff be vaccinated against COVID-19 as a condition for those facilities to continue receiving federal Medicare and Medicaid funding.


  1. and just like that, the nursing home staffing issues get worse just like the rest of the medical community. people there are allready fed up. so giving them a push out the door is soooo helpful right?

  2. Check out this story from Dr Peter McCullough
    "Study: Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times Viral Load, Pose Threat to Unvaccinated Patients, Co-Workers"

    'Killing GranMa. Phase 2'

  3. and the fully vaccinated are the disease vectors.

    the problem with leaving the people in charge who create problems to solve them.. leads to more problems.

  4. SS recipients are in our crosshairs and next in line.


    Dementia Joe

  5. Good luck trying to keep the already short staffed homes staffed......

  6. There is no vaccine for Covid as the virus has never been isolated.

  7. Next he will mandate that I take the jab to keep getting my Army Retirement. Take the jab to get access to the VA facility. Take the jab to vote. Take the jab to renew my drivers license. See where this is going? They want ALL TO TAKE THE JAB!!! This is not good folks not good at all.

    Take five with you!!!

    Saber 7

    1. CavGuy gets it.
      This here, read it, grok it.

      They will continue to strip away your access to anything until you get the jab. This is how they will force it on everyone.

      Ignore all of the other comments, while all true, they are distractions from the true problem.

      Government is forcing businesses to issue edicts to control the population: aka fascism!

      They can't FORCE you to get the jab just b/c you work at a nursinghome/healthcare. But they CAN take away the federal funding if you don't!

      Folks, this isn't going to get better.


      Accept that.
      Once you've done that, you know the next steps.

      Yes, we have reached that point.

    2. It will eventually be mandatory for everyone, on pain of death. The fun part is that the gummint won't even have to lift a finger to do it - businesses and "concerned citizens" will do the heavy lifting.

  8. I have been waiting for these idiots to do this. I expect the next shoe to drop will be if you don't vaccinate you can't have medicare insurance, and can't collect social security payments.


      Soon it will be the grocery store...

  9. Stories are already coming out from hospitals that are severely short staffed due to mandatory jabs. The employees either resign or are fired and they are having trouble finding replacements. Hell, even Ray Charles could of seen that coming! I sure do wonder what the average demonrat's IQ level is. By the way the last 8 months have gone, the bar seems pretty low!

  10. Ain't gonna happen, but in the outside event it does, you had better make other plans for grandma. Over half the staff at most facilities are refusing the jab. Of course, those that make these rules can afford private nursing around the clock for THEIR loved ones.

  11. Nursing homes are having a hard time getting qualified people to work now, this will just make it worse.

  12. I knew this was coming. They will force anyone that gets payment from Medicare or Medicaid to vaccinate employees. They mandated the VA last month.


    1. Hey Buddha, you do mean mandated the jab for VA workers right? How soon to just walk into the place, thats what I want to know. They will make it so there is no way around getting the jab. Its the mark of the beast I tell you, or at least a prelude to the Mark.

      Saber 7

    2. Cavguy,
      Yes for VA workers, not everyone going to the VA.

  13. When I heard about this I wondered if they realize the payments are generally on BEHALF of the elderly folks that live in those facilities!
    Seems they are cutting of Gramma's payments to the facility and they will be booted to the street or back to their families, if they are fortunate enough to have family.

    1. Or, treat the patients like tenants; you can't evict them just because they can't pay.

  14. We might give them some slack when they make the CDC staff take the jab. So far they're less than 50%

  15. I don't understand the issue. Unless I am missing something, Nurses fill out vaccination cards...


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