
Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Comment moderation today

Comment moderation today is going to be sporadic at best. My in-laws are coming over today to visit and they're going to be here a while - Al's going to help me install a rail for my back porch and they're going to stay for lunch seeing as Sue's 80th birthday was earlier this week and all she wanted from us was for me to smoke some ribs for her. Can't beat that shit with a stick, huh? 

They normally don't stay but about an hour, maybe two, so I figured to put the ribs in the smoker about 4 or 5 in the morning as soon as I got up, they'd show up about 10, we'd take a couple hours to put the rail in, then we'd eat. 
Then we get a call saying they'd be over about 7:30 or 8. In the morning. 
Now I love my in-laws dearly, and while I do get up fairly early, I really don't care to talk to anybody for the first 7-8 hours or I finish my second cup of coffee, whichever comes last. But what can I say. They're good folks.

That asshole dog Jack is sleeping behind my chair and just fucking gassed me. Holy shit, my eyes are watering. 

Anyways, if I catch a break here and there, I'll take a couple minutes and get your comments posted, but be patient with me today, please.


  1. I had a dog that enjoyed breaking a bad wind when we hit the pickup to travel across the road to the other farm in the morning. On morning it was so bad I threw the truck in Park while moving, opened the door and jumped out. Clem just sat on the floor and smiled while the pickup slid past me.

  2. Ole Jack you good dog you! Next time light a match on him!

  3. Have a good vist Ken. In your absence we'll play with ourselves.

  4. Used to be able to get charcoal biscuits for gassy dogs - do they still have those?

  5. He knew the situation and wanted to help you wake up and get out of the house to get them ribs started!
    Enjoy the day and the good company.

  6. Who says you can't teach a new dog old tricks! I would rather smelled a skunk in love than my old dog Jack (Jackass). Best cow dog ever born. Miss him, excepting his ass wind. NOG

  7. Baked beans and slaw?

  8. Umm, yeah, could I get some of those ribs, please.


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