
Friday, August 13, 2021

Doctors Contributing To Vaccine Misinformation Could Lose Their License

TULSA, Oklahoma - The Federation of State Medical Boards says doctors who knowingly spread false information about vaccines could lose their license. 
They believe this could help stop the spread of disinformation on social media. 

"It comes down to that very simple thing, are you willing to take that chance and if you are, that is your decision and as a physician, I have to honor it,” Dr, Michael Ward said.


  1. But the jab is not a vaccine, it's gene therapy!

  2. *wonders how many doctors lost their license for endorsing smoking, prescribing cocaine, or blood letting after they found out they were wrong*

  3. Something wicked, this way comes.

  4. But who will determine what is false?

    1. ^^^THAT!!!^^^...and pretty soon you're going to get a li'l visit from the official govt. internment and resettlement specialists for your wrongthink.

      MEET 'em at the door.....if ya know what I mean.

    2. "MEET 'em at the door.....if ya know what I mean."?

      I'm pretty sure every fedboi monitoring the blog knows exactly what you mean...

  5. If you try to find any anti-vax comments on the article, they look to have all been deleted... Can't have any truth get out now, can we???

  6. This is insane and no other words are worthy to describe it.

  7. He's legal test case #1. After recommending this clot shot he should have his license revoked. IMHO, If he's your doctor, run away from him immediately.

  8. Nice job you have. Be a shame if something... "happened" to it.

  9. Any doctor that says the experimental mRNA jab is safe and effective is contributing to misinformation and in violation of informed consent and the Nuremberg Code.

    1. That isn't misinformatio. It is false information.

  10. "The best way to learn another vaccine is to talk to your pharmacy representative"

  11. "Dr. Ward believes COVID-19 deaths among people who were vaccinated are being highlighted on social media and leaving out factual information.
    It's usually people that have a lot of more issues, like they are obese, they have heart disease, they have diabetes. That is an example of how people receive information and say 'geez, if I get a vaccine, it's not going to save me,” Dr. Ward said.
    And yet that is the very same misinformation that occurred all last year. It was not being reported that the deaths attributed to covid were mostly with people who had other health issues that would likely have caused their death without covid, or most certainly would have with the usual seasonal flu.

  12. I'm asking the question, if this jab is so safe and effective why are they trying to force it on us and if the Chinese virus is so deadly where are the millions of dead bodies ? We can't have a real discussion then make our own decisions without all their nonsense tells me all I need to know

  13. That would be a great legal case against the medical boards. They are the government, and they are abridging free speech in violation of the a constitution.

  14. are they nagging the illegal invasion hordes to take the needle?
    how do you document the vaccine status of the undocumented?
    do you remember the reults of the last untested medication they tried?
    if you did not grow up watching The Lone Ranger on saturday morning, look up "thalidomide"

  15. Just more proof the left will do literally anything to poison ALL of us with this jab.
    It won't stop till WE stop it...and they won't give up peacefully. We are going to have to exterminate LARGE numbers of them to even get their attention.

  16. It's so over the top now. I can't believe they're willing to spend all their remaining credibility on this.

  17. Vaccine "misinformation". WTF is that? They'll lose their license if they tell the truth about the "vaccine" that does not toe the Party line about how safe, effective, tested, and necessary it is?

  18. When they start threatening to yank truth-tellers med licenses you know they're getting desperate. They have an agenda for 100% vacced; they just haven't told us yet. But I guarantee it has NOTHING to do with Covid-19.

  19. Dr. Ward will be closing his practice soon. Dumbass never get political and never make your name public


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