
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Domesticated Duck Breeds

Domesticated duck breeds were all initially created from either wild Mallard ducks or wild Muscovy ducks. Through generations of breeding we have create very specific characteristics. This myriad of domestic duck breeds have been generated around the world.

Some domesticated duck breeds were created specifically for meat production. Others were bred for quantity and quality egg laying. And some were crafted as dual or multi-purpose birds equally adept at both egg laying and the production of succulent meat.  While some domesticated duck breeds were heralded for their beneficial secondary traits. These traits included egg sitting, affable demeanor, quiet nature, and foraging prowess. 


  1. The ability to breed characteristics into ducks to make them better at laying eggs and with affable demeanor, quiet nature, foraging prowess.

    Why can't we do the same with women? At least to be good at cooking and fucking would be nice.

  2. I take it you're single, J West?
    Good breeding is worthwhile, but good training is essential.

  3. Ducks are great birds to keep if you have a decent size pond, trying to go the kiddie pool route will get you a smelly mess. Ask me how I know.


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