
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Merced man charged with bomb-making, weapons possession

A California man was charged Thursday with making 10 shrapnel bombs, including one that was thrown at a home and burned a fence, authorities said. 

A federal grand jury indicted Wes Parker McDaniel, 52, of Merced in the San Joaquin Valley, on charges of making and possessing unregistered destructive devices, destroying property with an explosive, impersonating a federal agent and being a felon illegally possessing a rifle and ammunition that were found at his home, according to a statement from the U.S. attorney’s office.


  1. Sounds like he might have "anger management issues".

  2. I'm glad no one cared what we did in north georgia 30 years ago....

  3. "thrown at a home and burned a fence".

    Mr. Bombmaker throws like a girl.

    1. well, he was charged with impersonating a Federal Agent.


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