Once, when walking in my woods, two fawns came running out of some cover over to me. One nuzzled my leg, while the other one (who evidently was in possession of their brain) stood back. The one nuzzling me quickly recognized his mistake and backed off. I left quickly not wanting to explain things to mama dear.
Who doesn't love little kisses?
ReplyDeleteThe little cherubs are all over my AO. Ohio Guy
ReplyDeleteOnce, when walking in my woods, two fawns came running out of some cover over to me. One nuzzled my leg, while the other one (who evidently was in possession of their brain) stood back. The one nuzzling me quickly recognized his mistake and backed off. I left quickly not wanting to explain things to mama dear.
ReplyDeleteVenison with bacon! Mmmmmm.....
ReplyDelete--Tennessee Budd