
Friday, August 20, 2021

In Praise of White Men

For the last week or so, I have been living in the middle of a construction zone. In defiance of the climate scientists, Lake Erie and its fellow Great Lakes decided to grow instead of shrink. 

While the scientists re-checked their data, the entrepreneurs got to work building sea walls. Through my lakefront windows, I have been watching one entrepreneur and his crew build me a wall. This is no small job. It’s a six-figure project that involves several major pieces of equipment. My favorite is the truck-mounted boom pump that receives the concrete from a mobile concrete mixer and distributes it through its mantis-like arms precisely to where it needs to go. 

Running this operation are a half-dozen or so white guys. None of them were born with an ounce of conventional privilege. Some have not graduated from high school. All of them work ferociously as the situation demands. I get tired just watching them, but the elites do not seem to know they exist.


  1. Concrete pumping is an extremely useful technology.

    That mfing hose is heavy, and humping that bitch around is men's work.

    1. And guess who invented the concrete pump? Hint-not Jamaal.

  2. Got a chuckle recently where in my rinky dink hamlet, the highway dept. has made their first diversity hire. Not assuming gender here but what appears to be a woman, hood pulled tight over her head, ring thru the nose and I don't know what else. I'm guessing she can operate some equip., drive a ten wheeler. Thing is, the highway dept. here has kind of a rep of not being the friendliest or sharpest tacks. What Hillary would probably call deplorables. Best of luck lady.

    1. When through the same Bullshit in the Bell System in the 80s. They had babes hookin poles and stringing cables for the photo ops. The babes didn't last but a few months. Some quit, but most were kicked into desk jobs. The hot and marginally smart ones found some 2nd-line management dudes to snuggle up with and further their careers.

  3. White men built this country and created the technology so all the dumbasses can pretend to be intelligent. We all saw what happened to South Africa when white men were demonized and was no longer allowed to be in charge. America is quickly becoming South Africa....

  4. Down here in the dirty south most of the grunt work is done from the ever increasing flood of "backs of various dampness" if you get my drift. Usually the only white guy is the one in the white hard hat. If you need to get your roof reshingled then you better pick up a second language or hire an interpreter or contractor as they're called here.

  5. Amen brother!

    Marty West

  6. From the story: “Census data shows the number of White people in the U.S. fell for the first time since 1790..."

    In 1790 there were 3,929,214 citizens. That count pretty much only includes landed whites men. (At the time those with skin in the game, as it should be today, but that is another discussion.)

    Today there are how many people in the USA? 333,000,000? 100x more than in 1790, yet, according to the story, there are now less than 3,929,214 whites. Seriously?

    How can anyone take a report that flawed seriously?

    1. The population fell for the first time since 1790. It doesn't say that it's fallen to 1790 levels.

  7. Me, being white, had the priviledge of knowing my old man. I began the summer of being ten years old with him kicking me out of bed with a "Get up, I have work for you." For the next ten years. Mixing mortar and carrying mortar, and concrete, carrying block. Back breaking work for a little kid.

  8. In the picture of the white construction worker at the beginning of the article it shows that he is wearing tennis shoes and white gloves. In reality he would have been made to get some steel toed boots and suitable gloves. If you are going to stage a picture using a model, at least make it realistic. Oh, the brand new tool belt was a nice touch too.

  9. The problem with diversity is eventually you run out of White people.

    (Paraphrase of Margret Thatcher on socialism.)

  10. Well said and nicely written. That said, in my 40+ years working, the Latinos who worked for and with me were dependable, likeable, and inventive. Can't say the same for all of color including palefaces. We use to say in the Corps that the 10% fuck it up for the rest. Think the percentage is much higher now.

  11. We have employed a lot of Hondurans for the last 20 years.....honest, hard working, dependable, and treat the company business as if it were their own....tried to impart that wisdom to a lot of white kids over the years, blacks too.....none of it stuck, me being an establishment honky and all....too busy goin' after the man for all of their imagined pressure and hate, not to mention "keepin' the brothers down" to quote Jesse "Fkn" Jackson and Al "the whore" Sharpton...."Once the population realizes they can vote themselves access to the treasury, and the politicians realize that legislating that access can get them re-elected into perpetuity, the democracy, or Republic, has failed and will end shortly"....we are there....


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