
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Infidels be lurking about



  1. Maybe the AK slung over the shoulder is to him as Peanut's Linus's blanket is .

  2. Their camels are parked in the driveway. Be sure to be neighborly and invite Abdul, his parents, 4 wives and 27 kids to your Labor Day picnic.

  3. I've got one in my neighborhood. He walks around after dark praying, not that there's anything wrong with praying. No AK visible. He's decked out in the long white dress, head scarf an sandals. He was coming through about 9PM most every night for a couple weeks. Haven't seen him in the last week or so.


    1. Walking around praying at night can be a pretty good way of scoping out your AO and keeping track of relevant changes (who just put in a fence, what people are throwing out in their trash, which houses have motion-detection lights, who has barky dogs, etc). I used to run at night and would also take note of who had BLM and “Hate Has No Home Here!” (Pro-unlimited immigration) signs. Just for fun, of course. Kind of a mental exercise, like sudoku only aerobic.

    2. Maybe he's off to join the Taliban.

    3. @ Mike C - That was my first thought the first time I saw him. Nemo

  4. Must be a chicago suburb

  5. Never know when ya might run into an unarmed Christian or a musician sing songs. Gotta kill those fuckers fer Allah.

  6. The new wave of Afgani gardeners are arriving to replace Pedro and Juan.

  7. Wonder if he does that because the neighbor is always sneaking around taking pictures of him and the family?

  8. Where is this? I wonder if he's got enough 7.62 X 39 to sell or trade..
    I've got The inside track for some really good bacon.

  9. We should ALL be dressing like this. Liberals, Karens and our “Elites” are afraid or reluctant to mess with Muslims. Try it. You’ll get away with shit that you’d never get away with as a regular deplorable white dude.

    Hell, sometimes I think we should put on burkas once in a while. I’ve got a plane trip upcoming and am tempted to wear one for the trip. Face covering requirement satisfied. I can also decline both the Rapeyscanner AND physical patdown because Muh Religion. (Seriously, I’ve seen this. Some 300 lb female TSA person pats the Muslima’s shoulders, only, and declares her good to go.) The intersectional victimhood points of being a trans woman Muslim are nearly off the charts.

    The only danger is actual Muslims who, understandably, would be pissed off by this. But they don’t run this country. Speaking of those who do run this country, did you know that on average they have higher approval of Muslims than of evangelical Christians? True. The irony is self evident when you consider who the evangelicals are so vocally proud of “standing with”.

  10. He's mowing because the sheep quit, for personal reasons.

    1. You have won the internet for today.

  11. assuming this is the US ...

    Well, at least the guy is ready to go to defend his family and appears to make no bones about it. Have a bit of respect for the guy for that at least.

    We're frankly a fucking joke compared to that for the most part. We have some good internet memes though. And even those are most likely provided for us by opfor.

  12. As if a sand monkey would know how to operate a lawnmower... or what it's used for, for that matter. How ironic that the grass is Saint Augustine.

    1. If you can pull the pin on a grenade, you can probably handle a pull-start cord.
      Use the choke Hamal; no, not like you do to your wives!

  13. Gotta be fake, if it was real the woman in her burka would be out doin the mowin.

  14. Obviously a staged photo. Notice that the grass is all the same height. not actually mowing just standing there.

  15. Replies
    1. Well, it's supposed to be a Marine Corp saying that the only reason to carry a sidearm is to fight your way back to your long gun that you should have never set down in the first place.

  16. It's like the 'Land of the Giants' show. He's trying take out those 4" homos.

  17. assimilation is going to be difficult


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