
Thursday, August 26, 2021

Ivermectin being given to inmates at Washington County Jail

WASHINGTON COUNTY, Ark. (KNWA/KFTA) — During the Washington County Finance and Budget Committee meeting on August 25, it was said that inmates at the Washington County Jail were treated with ivermectin, an anti-parasite drug that is commonly used in livestock. 

Washington County Justice of the Peace Eva Madison said a county employee was sent to Dr. Karas for testing. According to the county employee, they tested negative and were given a prescription of ivermectin.


  1. "THE VIRUS" is not killing people, the lack of early in-home treatment is responsible for the vast majority of deaths.

    Governments, the medical profession and mass media's covering up of the effectiveness of a proven and inexpensive prescription of IVM in treating "THE VIRUS" early on and in-home is clearly criminal and unethical.

    Think about it..... the medical profession telling patients with "THE VIRUS" to just stay home and when your lips turn blue and you are hacking up hairballs, then come to the hospital for some treatment and medications. Americans will look back on this Orwellian moment in history and wonder why they were so gullible.....

    1. It's like getting a bad cut on your arm, having it get infected, and waiting till it turns to gangrene before you go to hospital, where they will watch it a little while longer and then cut it off.

    2. My wife, who has shitty lungs, defeated the Wu Ping Cough using Albuterol nebulizer treatments and Tylenol to control the fever.

      This is someone who should have died from Der Covid. But because we treated the side effects and secondary infections, she pulled through without having to go anywhere near hospitals.

      One dose of heavy antibiotics for the final stretch, called in by her doctor, finished of the most dangerous pandemically pandemic of all times.

  2. Interesting factoid - last week for the first time I looked on the package of my Heartgard monthly heart worm treatment. Active ingredient: Ivermectin.

  3. The shit works. Also used it on my dog. Dog had started with the 'cough' and started bloating. Heartworms. Costs a shitload of money if you go to the vet. Gave her Iver once a day for 3 days and then every other day for a week. Fixed.

    Go to Tractor Supply or any feedstore. Get the paste or injectable. NOT the pour on. Just go read up on it. If .gov says it's bad you damn well know it's good. And fuck the vaxxx. I would consider it assault if somebody tries and sticks the jab in me and would respond accordingly.

    1. They just pulled it all. You can not find the stuff on the internet anymore. Ebay had a few left. I just put my tinfoil hat on and now I can think straight. The fucking government is trying to kill us.

    2. Just did a search (with Qwant...if you're still using Google, you're a fool) for "ivermectin 1% injectable" and got usable results near the top. The vendor at the first link was out of stock, but the vendor at the second link had 50-mL vials in stock. Snapped up two of 'em.

      (FWIW, the same vendors show up at DuckDuckGo as the #3 and #4 links. At Google, they're #3 (out of stock) and #11 (in stock, but on the second page of results).)

  4. Will they let non-inmates get it?


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