
Friday, August 13, 2021

L.A. County sheriff’s deputies shot in Compton ambush sue ‘ghost gun’ kit maker

Two Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies badly wounded in an ambush shooting last year sued a Nevada company Monday for making the parts for a “ghost gun” used in the attack. 

The lawsuit alleges Polymer80 Inc. negligently and unlawfully sold an “untraceable home-assembled gun kit” that resulted in the September attack.


  1. Specious opportunistic bullshit lawsuit. The presence of a few letters and numbers stamped onto a firearm makes NO DIFFERENCE to someone willing to commit attempted murder. The weapons in question could have just as easily been stolen.....perhaps even from the vehicle of a careless badgemonkey. Would THAT make it any different?

  2. If you buy the Dane a bucket of bullets, and a basket of sammiches, for (ever) waving a gun in your face, you'll never be rid of the Dane.

  3. The concept that guns are traceable is a myth. At most, you can trace a gun to the last legal owner. Criminals know this and dont bother scrathing serial numbers off.


  4. That 'gun' was worth less than $950 and was stolen.
    No problem, case closed.

  5. Ahh, the butthurt the badged fags must feel. Ohio Guy

  6. This incident is one more varation of the key to how shyster lawyers make millions. Blame Ford for a car wreck caused by a drunk driver.

    1. They need unscrupulous clients, bad judges, and stupid juries to do it, though.

    2. Obammy started putting them in place long ago.

  7. A Polymer80 gun was a little more expensive than buying a Glock if you went after the deals and sales. I look at it as replacement parts.

    A felon can get an illegal gun on the street usually at prices less than retail. There are plans for belly guns and full auto machine pistols on the internet. Ammo is the key. Criminals will always have access to guns.

  8. So both cops have to pay Polymer80's legal bills once they lose.
    Just make sure it comes out of the badge punks' wallets, not the taxpayers'.

    1. Pro bono assholes, probably did not tell the cops about counter suit for expenses. Damn, hate it when that happens. goober mint paycheck can be garnished sucks to be them.


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