
Monday, August 30, 2021

New Orleans left in the dark

A slow-moving Hurricane Ida has left all of Orleans Parish customers without power due to "catastrophic transmission damage," according to Entergy New Orleans. 

The intense storm had caused all eight transmission lines into the New Orleans area to go down, spokesman Brandon Scardigli said in an emailed statement. That created a load imbalance that knocked all power generation in the region offline, Scardigli said.


  1. Looking forward to spending billions rebuilding slums below sea level right next to the ocean..... Come on guys give this back to the fish already.

    1. Have you & little ale always been a phucking asshole or is it something new? Go fuck yourself.

  2. Those dumbasses had 16 years to improve the grid system, mainly getting the electrical lines under the fricking ground!!!! Let them stew in the shit pile of their own making.

    1. While burying normal neighborhood lines is not a big deal, high voltage main transmission lines can be 10 times more expensive. They have to be run through pipes so coolant can circulate and cool the lines. Now add in the fact that SE Louisiana is a swamp where you have to bury the dead above ground. You really think it's a good idea to bury a city the size of NOLA'S main transmission lines?


  3. Power lines going down are almost the least of their problems right now. An ex-house needs no power.

  4. During Katrina Pat O'Brians never closed. The French Quarter is on high ground in NOLA. Pat O'Brians also has redundant generators and a fortified structure. My guess is that it is currently open for business.

  5. Ken, be careful it is headed your way still with significant winds.

  6. Big Ale. You sir are a DUMB ASS! Research the subject you choose to comment about and then speak. Journeyman Lineman. 38 years.

    1. 38 years and you still don't have a clue? All new neighborhoods in my area are underground. I've dug many an electric service.
      Up in Minnesota some of the REA's built all underground, miles of trench in a region where the water table is mere inches. You dig a fence post hole and it fills up in short order.
      I've only got 24 years... As a master electrician.

  7. And yet, no word of FEMA involvement in relief efforts or of criticism of Biden for Federal response. Not yet anyway.


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