
Thursday, August 05, 2021

Nope, I Won’t Mask up Again

Last March, I followed the CDC’s advice and got fully vaccinated against COVID-19. I did so more out of a sense of civic duty than any actual fear that I might contract the virus. It was just an easy and scientifically sound way to help slow its spread. Naturally, I was delighted when the CDC finally announced that fully vaccinated people could safely participate in indoor and outdoor activities without wearing inconvenient and clinically useless face masks. Now, the CDC has reversed itself and issued new guidance telling 163.6 million fully vaccinated Americans to put our masks back on. Sorry, no sale. 

First, the CDC published no data supporting its bizarre reversal. The Washington Post reports: “In the text of the updated masking guidance, the agency merely cited ‘CDC COVID-19 Response Team, unpublished data, 2021.’” Moreover, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky is struggling to produce a plausible explanation. She claimed without evidence on ABC News that “new science” has emerged showing that fully vaccinated people should be masking.


  1. My prayers for Mr. Catron as the spike proteins work their way through his body.

  2. Nope, no compliance from me. Stores will just have to chase me and my money out or government will have to pull business licenses if they don't. This is why you don't let the government license lawful activity, like running a business. Government will use licenses as a beat stick by enlisting businesses to act as unwilling enforcers or the owners lose their livelihood. Property tax is a similar obedience stick.

    One of the only ways to win is to not play the game.


    1. You Sir are completely correct, the government wants a license for all legal activities!!!

    2. The goal of every government everywhere: everything, without exception, must either be prohibited or mandatory.

  3. Cuz the jab doesn't work

    1. More importantly, that event was a big gay celebration

      "Most cases occurred in males (85%);"

      That's why mostly men, gay men swapping bodily fluids.

      IT'S INSANE to use this study to set national health mandates.


  4. What clown would ever take an injection for 'civic duty'? That is some demented thinking. Perhaps he's hiding the real reason, albeit a more idiotic reason.

    Actually, as I think about it he's attempting to rationalize his poor decision. Likely he was on the fence about the jab but was easily cowed into it by pressure from others. Or, him being a wordsmith, perhaps being inclined to believe the media. Anyway you look at it, it was a poor choice which he now regrets.

  5. I refused to wear the muzzle the first time it was mandated here in the Buckeye police state . I had little resistance except at the local Menards they sent three goons to chase me through the store . When goon number three came towards me with his fists clenched I warned him that if he placed his hands on me the fight was on . His face turned a delightful red and his veins popped out but he did not touch me . As I walked out of the store shouting that you don't need a mask at Lowes right down the street and that is where I shop to this day . Fook Menards !

  6. @ Kenny

    Just an FYI from someone who's spent time in the belly of the beast as a working scientist (biochemist)... now retired from that, but knows something of the way things work inside the healthcare-industrial complex.

    After doing some research into them, I was stunned to find out that the CDC - which is an entity of the federal government - owns the licensing rights to dozens upon dozens of drugs, vaccines and other therapeutic agents. This represents a massive and possibly even criminal conflict-of-interest, perhaps racketeering (I'll leave that determination for the legal eagles in the house), since they are supposed to be non-partisan and not for profit.

    And that doesn't even get into the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease, and the World Health Organization (WHO), all of which now appear to have been infiltrated and co-opted by the globalist billionaire oligarchs, i.e., Gates, Soros, et al. Fauci, for example, is a Gates man, through and through. Bought-and-paid for. So is that Ethiopian who heads WHO.

    My somewhat long-winded point being that ordinary Americans, who have been conditioned since childhood to trust completely in their physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers and organizations like the ones above - are now being turned upon by many (not all) of those same entities and persons. What were once trustworthy organizations (or generally so) have now done enormous damage to their credibility and trustworthiness.

    Even many ethical physicians who sincerely wish to do right by their patients and the public-at-large, have fallen into this trap - of blinding following and not questioning mandates from these agencies and individuals. I've seen this with my own eyes, sad to say. The denial and obtuseness is real and very robust in some cases.

    Therefore, the individual must do his due diligence himself, and not rely upon others to safeguard his safety and that of his family and loved ones. Don't be afraid to ask your healthcare providers some very pointed questions about where they stand on these momentous issues. In these times, misplaced trust can literally kill you. And that's no lie.

    1. “ ordinary Americans, who have been conditioned since childhood to trust completely in their physicians, nurses and other healthcare providers and organizations”

      A trust that has been trashed by the organizations themselves. THEY are ones who have been lying, then doing a 180, then lie some more. Disgusting pieces of shit.
      I worked on one of the lowest rungs of the healthcare system for decades. Folks would be SHOCKED to learn how many doctors are complete bumbling idiots…and not just because they’re new and inexperienced.
      So many want to treat the machine numbers instead of treating the CAUSE for the bad numbers.

  7. According to Fauxci we're going to get a new variant because us knuckledraggers refuse to follow their bullshit and jab up. Oh and yea if you did you're still looking at a booster before winter because, well just because

  8. Faucci spearheaded the movement to allow government scientists to patent their vaccine research and his name goes on nearly every patent. He's made millions off of it. He wasn't wealthy before he went into government grift. He's a career bureaucrat.

  9. Some trust the government enough to inject a chemical into their bodies that has not been researched. Plus these people know absolutely that the drug companies, by said government, have been given complete amnesty if the drug harms them in any fashion. Ya gotta be shittin me right?

  10. I'm not taking that experimental concoction. My younger brother took the first shot and was planning on getting the second one two weeks later. 1 1/2 weeks after the first shot we buried him. He fell over dead in his yard with out any warning.

  11. "Scientifically sound" is not part of this operation if you educate yourself on the pertinent subjects. Enough said. Good luck with your health.

  12. The point everyone seems to be missing about this entire "mask" charade is the following. A very significant percentage of our population look to and expects Big Gov to protect them. It's the way they've been raised and conditioned in current society. Therefore, in order to "seem" like they're doing something, Big Gov comes out with mandates, and suggestions, and rules. It's all to give the "sheeple" a (false) sense of security so they can claim they've been looking out for the little guy. No science. No facts, no studies, because these people don't want that information. They just want to be told what to do. Then "we the suckers" pay the price for their blatant lack of personal responsibility.

    1. They need the delusion of security.
      They ignore one simple fact:
      * security does not exist in the real world.

  13. Hit up Walmart this morning for batteries and cetera. Ho ree fuk! The sheep went from about 10% compliance to about 90% compliance overnight. I counted four rebels, including me and my son. Sad statement. No enforcement whatsoever, though.

  14. Got kicked out of a CVS yesterday afternoon because I refused to wear a mask. They literally would not ring up my purchases. Told them to F.O. and walked out the door.

  15. CDC says put you left foot in take your left foot out and shake it all about.

  16. Officially, the jab was never intended to provide immunity, rather to reduce the severity. It may or may not provide some measure of immunity -- for those who are, the smart money is they got the Doom after the jab, and never knew they were sick.

    The upshot is that most of the spreaders are the jabbed. If the viral load gets to the point of contagious, the un-jabbed will experience the symptoms and stay home in bed. The jabbed will never know they are Typhoid Mary, spreading it hither and yon, regardless of masking.

    And to make matters worse, the sickness will have a longer residence time. While sensible people are home having chicken soup, the jabbed, more likely to be running around the whole time, are therefore the greatest likelihood of mutating the virus.

    Heroes my butt.

  17. Don't know if anyone has seen this but here's a report of a Canadian who stood up to defy the crown and, apparently, won in court as the prosecution cannot prove any pandemic actually exists.

  18. “I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    “I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don’t believe anything the government tells me.” – George Carlin

    Good article from The Burning Platform...



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