
Friday, August 06, 2021

Nullifying Nuremburg

Dr. Josef Mengele is one of the true monsters of history. His profoundly evil medical experiments on Jews, the disabled, the mentally impaired, and other Third Reich deplorables are the stuff of pitch-black fever dreams. Combining disparate elements of pernicious ideologies including eugenics, antisemitism, racial purity, and the German ideal of lebensraum ("room for living"), what eventually became Nazism informed Hitler's ethos as he rose to power. His malignant weltanschauung eventually coalesced into the Final Solution.


  1. Dr. Josef Mengele, the 20th century equivalent of as Dr. Anthony Fauci, sdoing what needs to be done for Die Partei.

    1. You don't appear to be all too far off, sadly.
      I know its good hyperbole to accuse someone of being a nazi, but in all seriousness, he KNEW what he was funding, even after it was made illegal, and even KNEW what the potential downsides were... and the slimy fu*ker gets on tee vee and lies to America day after day after day... to further some kind of agenda?
      Someone needs to rule 308 this motherfu*ker...

  2. The write brings up some great points and it sure looks like the Fedgov is shitting all over Nuremburg.
    The question we all gotta ask is this: "Why is it so fucking vital that 100% of the worldwide population take this jab?" WHY???

    1. The only explanations that make sense are so horrible its difficult to contemplate... nonetheless, there it is.

    2. Maybe the jab.....
      is the start of the kill shot.....????

      I take prophylaxis and therapeutics.....
      If forced to jab.....J&J or Novavax.

    3. Because they are evil, to a degree that the average person can not comprehend. TPTB know that the debt (the federal debt for example) is so massive that it can NOT be paid off and they have don't have the funds to make good on all their social welfare programs and entitlement obligations. However were a significant percentage of the population were die off, then they will not be alive to collect the promised funds.

      Continue to create on going crises, continue to flood the country with illegal aliens and the problems that go with it, gives TPTB justification for more tyrannical control over a fearful population. "You never want to let a good crisis go to waste." As I see it, the push for vaccinations is a means to the goal of total control by a ruling elite, and yes, genocide is a means to that end.

    4. Reduce the population and steal their assets takes care of all those issues for them, doesn't it?

    5. "Why is it so fucking vital that 100% of the worldwide population take this jab?" WHY???
      So they don’t have a control group to have to contend with. You know, the most very basic tenants of a scientific experiment.

  3. Mengele had nothing on the evil scum infesting the US government. The shadow government here has a LONG and nasty history of all manner of experiments on citizens.....often without their knowledge or consent.

  4. The tools pretending to be in charge are beginning to make national socialism seem like the free love people of the 60s

  5. It's a trial run, They want to see who will take the number of the beast, and who will not. I don't think it has anything to do with the virus. The number of the beast is compulsory, neither is this jab. Yet if you don't take it you won't be allowed to do certain things, already SPC here in Australia is forcing it's employees to have the jab or lose their job. I am sure some of you will laugh at me, and I don't care. I travel every year to Africa and will again, but not if I have to take the Jab. As one French men said "I will not sell my soul for coffee"

    1. sad part is, right now there is a large chunk of africa that is freer than australia is. because they dispense HCQ like candy.

      sad to see one of our great allies, falling into darkness.

      I saw tanks in the streets down there and I thought I was looking at some totalitarian hell hole. apparent I wasn't that far off.

  6. Once the purpose of TPTB become evident, everything fell into place. They want to destroy this nation. They must in order to install a world government. Everything they do is a means to this end.

  7. At the mention of his name, my curiosity compelled me to explore Josef Mengele, MD.
    A couple minutes Internet research showed an one-sided biased 'written by the victors' 'opinions disguised as 'history'' with nothing of substance.
    In another example of censoring the truth, very little seems available about the doctor's reasons for his alleged research.
    Based on my experience with certain 'sources' controlled/manipulated by BOLSHEVICS, I automatically ignore everything they say.

    Can somebody suggest a fair treatment of Josef Mengele, MD?
    And, as always:
    * can you imagine everything you know is wrong?

    1. That was a pretty fair statement. I'm quite sure Dr. Mengele's and other's notes were all vacuumed up by the governments who were first to pick through their works. Then there was operation paperclip. "Take what you can use, destroy the rest" was probably the attitude of the times back then. Nothing is fair. It just is what it is. As to your last, I don't imagine, I know that what we've been taught is all wrong. Only those that question everything realize this. Ohio Guy


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