
Monday, August 02, 2021

Okay, but who's going to jail over these criminal charges?

Pacific Gas & Electric will face criminal charges because its equipment sparked a wildfire last year that killed four people and destroyed hundreds of homes, a Northern California prosecutor announced Thursday. 

It would be the latest action against the nation's largest utility, which was forced into bankruptcy over devastating wildfires ignited by its long-neglected electrical grid.


  1. No one, of course because they have all the money that should have paid for maintenance stashed. So now they can afford good lawyers,

  2. At least half the fault is the legislatures, for failing to properly manage the forests, thus inevitably leading to horrific wildfires. But are they going to get sued over it? Of course not! Much less face the jail time they so richly deserve.

  3. This is California. They don't actually have the money.
    California required that they spend the money on "renewable" energy, solar and wind. With a deadline.
    That left nothing with which to fund maintenance.
    This will continue, and worsen.

    1. People don't get how much the state actually controls the Power companies in that regard with everything they do including what we can and can't maintain and who and what where the power comes from and how it's generated...You right it will get way worse and I could tell you til blue in the face that if you don't control where your power comes from be prepared to do without it and yet people will set there and do nothing until they are setting their in the dark, all their food is spoiled, can't get water, can't flush away their waste, sweating their ass off and then maybe just maybe they will realize they should of fucking listened to a guy that knows what the Fuck he's talking about since he's been working on this shit for 25 years and knows how fragile it is...

  4. I dunno. Was it actual negligence, or was it California looking for a scapegoat? The state, no doubt, bears a lot of the blame.

  5. From the people that brought you that great movie Erin Brokovich!

    1. Uh huh. Right. It says a lot about the people who think of Hollywood movies as truthful documentaries.

    2. Straight from the horses mouth, Ricky. Anyone can do a little research.

      "Universal Studios made a film titled, "Erin Brockovich", which starred Julia Roberts. Julia won an Academy Award® for her portrayal of me. People ask me all the time, is the movie true and accurate? YES, the movie was true and probably 98% accurate. They took very few creative licenses. Yes, I did dress that way."
      Erin Brockovich

  6. And the Enviro's fought any attempt at proper forest management because those are "harmful" to the environment. Steps like cutting back growth on fire trails and controlled burns to reduce underbrush.

    1. I can guarantee that if they let them maintain their lines in CA like other places then this wouldn't of happened or would of been a lot less of an impact...

  7. Who is going to jail?
    Stanley Skinner was the CEO of PG&E when they burned my house down in 1994 and as far as I know he's still happily retired and playing his daily rounds of golf at the Olympic Club in San Francisco.
    Life is good.

  8. All of the above comments. When I was in college, I took a biology course that dealt with, among other things, 'silvaculture.' In short, forest management. If you let dead wood build up, you get what amounts to a gasoline lake, just waiting for a spark. California has nobody to blame but their legislature.

  9. Yeah, make PG&E the fall guy for California's long neglected back country. The real fucking criminals are in Sacramento yucking it up with their environmentalist buddies in the Sierra Club.

    1. Exactly Right Brother...Most people are ignorant of that fact though so they just blame the electric company...

  10. Generally, if a company is convicted of criminal charges, it is disbanded, as there isn't really any person or persons who are guilty. Executives and managers could be individually charged separately.

  11. Wait, so PG&E neglected infrastructure maintenance since they were forced to spend that money on renewables. The CA government neglected forest maintenance and spent that money on housing, healthcare, food, clothing, phones, etc. for illegals and other ne'er do wells. All because of global warming? What can't climate change do?

  12. There is a power outage every day that affects 800 to 4000 customers within a 50 mile radius of my NorCal home. Normally I'd believe that they are doing it purposely to save energy on the grid, but the outages never happen during periods of peak power use.
    I don't know what the heck is going on. I wish I did.

  13. There is a practice called Risk Management which, if used as intended, is a wonderful tool. However, professional managers use this tool to justify not taking action. I am certain some manager(s) decided to "accept the risk" of not performing preventative maintenance, including clearing trees. They convinced themselves the risk a tree falling on a line was low, and any resulting damage would be minimal. The ones who should face charges are the managers who decided to accept this risk.

    1. Yea that would be great analysis except for one thing and that is they have to get a mother may I from the state anytime they want to do vegetation management...

  14. Probably was a shutdown for cause...Now anywhere that has a zone that is a higher risk for fire if the wind is forecast to blow above a certain mph they will shut down that area... Expect to see a lot more of that...Also expect your bill to go up if you are middle to upper class because they are going to start doing tier rates based on income...


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