
Friday, August 27, 2021

Oregon marijuana farm under investigation for human trafficking, forced labor

The Josephine County Sheriff’s department raided a ranch this week in the Illinois Valley as part of an investigation into illegal cannabis cultivation, involuntary servitude, human trafficking and forced labor. 

The raid was part of a larger investigation that began with the death of a man from a different illegal marijuana farm, located on Martin Road in Cave Junction, according to a report from Jefferson Public Radio.
-Don in Oregon


  1. I just finished a novel where the main plot was human trafficking/forced labor at a hard drug manufacturing facility located in CO. Funny how art imitates life, isn't it?

  2. "Made no arrests, seized 144,000 in cash" who the fuck did our public servants help? Josephine County is notoriously corrupt for the uninitiated reading this. Just a few years back they has no local law enforcement due to holding them hostage with a tax levy. All while putting up multi thousand dollar sculptures all over the County. One of the most corrupt counties in Oregon.

    1. Lived and worked around there for awhile. Pretty disgusting shit went on. The only saving grace is there's a lot of good old ranching types there as well. You'd think they'd run all the riff raff out, but no such luck . . .Yet . . .

    2. ""Made no arrests, seized 144,000 in cash" who the fuck did our public servants help? "

      Ourselves, duh!
      - Public servants

  3. Brought to you by.....duh duh duh duhhhhh.....democrats, of course....the "Party of the minorities"....seems all states and cities controlled by those mf'rs are dirty as a dog's ass being dragged across the carpet....

  4. Who do you think has been working those enormous marijuana plantations in Northern California for the last forty years?



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