
Friday, August 27, 2021

Your Friday Morning Florida Report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – A diner at a north Florida restaurant gathered the staff of 10 together to thank them for their hard work before leaving them a $10,000 tip to share. It happened last Tuesday night as the man, his wife and son finished their dinner at the Wahoo Seafood Grill, the Gainesville Sun reported.


  1. Florida isn’t completely filled with assholes just yet

  2. A $10,000 tip?
    This tells me the guy has too much money and should be taxed more.
    People deciding how to spend their own money is anti-social.
    Instead we should tax this guy and use the money to buy votes for the democrats.

  3. Unless it was cash handed to each person, they'll get a few hundred each after the restaurant claims the rest. Or as a local restaurant did...kept it and gave the employees their normal hourly rate. Fortunately, the stink hit the news hard, and the place is now empty. But the owner still got his $10000.


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