
Thursday, August 05, 2021

So it's not just us Conservative white folks...

Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden's digs at Republicans for refusing to get vaccinated have been cast into doubt after figures showed key Democrat demographics are among the main groups who aren't being jabbed. 

Figures from both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) show key Democrat voting blocks - including blacks, Hispanics and people of all races between ages 18 and 24 - are also hesitant to have the shot.


  1. Kenny, you saw on that graft I sent you blacks are leading the unjabbed groups.

  2. I have been against getting the covid vaccine. If it were only about myself, I would never consider getting it. However, I live with my wife and a 24 year old daughter, both of whom have serious medical conditions that could cause them very dangerous and life threatening complications if they were to get covid 19.
    We all know the various arguments about the vaccine that is not a true vaccine, and all of that talk. And I of course know all about the governmental overreach and the infringement of my personal freedoms. In my case, as opposed to others, the only reason that I am getting the vaccine is because my wife is the type of person who is quite dependent upon me, and my opinion. Not that she is not her own person, but she trusts me, and my beliefs. And while her doctors have told her that due to her various health conditions she needs the protection of these injections, she doesn't want to get them, due to my reluctance of said vaccines, based upon the unethical manner in which they have been brought to market and have been forced upon the people in order for us to regain the freedom that is ours just by rights.
    My daughter has many issues that make it obvious that she needs any protection she is able to get, and she actually has received her first dose of one of the shots already, simply because she lives with us, and we convinced her that she had no choice. However, in order to encourage my wife to get her extra protection afforded her by this vaccine, no matter how slight it may be, I told her that I would go with her and also get my vaccine. I am not thrilled by doing so, but her health is important to me, and so I am willing to take the risk of side effects to have her get any possible added health benefits afforded by the vaccine.
    Some may say, "You are copping out, by letting the man control you.", or such things. To that I can only say that it is no different than what I have said from the beginning. You should be free to make the choice, either to get the shot or to not get the shot, free from any pressure or consequences either way. Of course as we are seeing, the government is maybe saying that on the one hand, but on the other hand, they are saying that if you don't get the vaccine, you will be considered a second class citizen, and we will encourage businesses to place restrictions on you.
    I have made my choice, based upon things that have to do with my family and my own circumstances, and I hope that everyone feels free to be able to do the same. That is the way that a free country is supposed to work. Sadly, it doesn't always work that way. And for anyone who would take me to task for my choice, you are missing the point of a free country completely. Best wishes, to all for a wonderful weekend. And from here in Michigan, it appears that Autumn is rapidly approaching.

    1. Pigpen, as you say, it's your choice. Given the situation with your family's health risks, it may be the right one. Only time will tell and I hope it works for the best for you and yours. As to anyone questioning your decision, well it's not theirs to make or question, it's yours. Tell'em, politely, to FO.

      We've had numerous debates here over the last year about the inoculation. At the end of the day, one makes the decision from their own perspective and circumstances given the information at hand.


    2. Pigpen, you do you no explanation necessary. We should all get to make our own decisions concerning personal business.. Good luck to you and your family in these crazy times, be safe my friend

    3. It is a personal choice. You have only stated their are concerns of medical conditions at play, you have not said what those conditions are. I am not asking that you provide those details. Frankly, I do not want to know, it's no one's business but your own. I am saying it would be out of line for another - not knowing the details - to opine of whether you are or aren't (fill in the blank).

      My only thought is you know how disingenuous CDC et al have been but still decided to get the injections. But you mention that where you say, ' matter how slight it may be...'. To reiterate, no one but you can make your decision and none have grounds to say one way or the other about what you decide for your family. You seek to do what is right by your loved ones. That is all that matters for it is THE measure of love.

    4. Your body...your choice.

      But don't call it a 'vaccine'.

      It's not.

      It's an 'experimental mRNA therapy'.

      God bless.

  3. It is a white privilege to be vaccinated. Or the plan to wipeout the white race.

    1. And therein lies the problem. If you really care about someone you sure don't want to see them risk their live for a bug that's 99.8% survivable. The only reason for the deaths besides comorbidity is the "Health Orgs" like WHO/CDC, etc. never proscribed a protocol for treating Covid patients outpatient. In other works, they didn't tell doctors how to treat it, they were forced to figure it out for themselves or let their patients suffer, get weaker, and be admitted, whereupon the vent would be used and the hospital collect $35,000 each.
      Look up Dr. Peter McCullough. He's the best doc on this with sterling credentials; as a result he's been getting the word out. And he thinks there's a good possibility this was never about Covid, it was about the vaccine. Which is why the 100% is so important to these evil MFers. McCullough has some good questions that require answers, so DO look him up if you're interested. Trib you may have nailed it.

    2. McCullough has done excellent work in cardiology prior to COVID.
      But he's been forced to leave his position at Baylor University Medical Center because he will not toe the party line.

      The man has excellent training (UT Southwestern MD; U Washington Medicine residency and fellowship; U Michigan MPH) and a sterling research career. FWIW the man has my personal and professional respect. But he spoke out against the conventional narrative and they've destroyed his career.

  4. I'm imagining the donneybrook I'm going to have when I go to the VA the end of the month. My PCP there is a Russian immigrant. I'm going ask her if she liked living under totalitarian rule in her home country.


  5. Notice the use of the word, hesitant. The definition of the word means one is not yet decided or they have delayed their decision. I suspect little to none are hesitating, that pretty much everyone is resolute in their decision of not getting the jab.

    So what's the big deal, it's just a word. Because it's the media, because media has long shown a propensity to seek to create specific perceptions. Here, by using 'hesitant', they are avoiding 'firm decision'. The media and fellow travelers still seek to target the softer minds which are open to manipulation. Contrast this to a solid, firm FYBTW.

  6. You do you....
    I’m sure you’ve researched.....
    all the vaccines, the prophylaxis, and therapeutics.
    Good luck.


  7. It's totally different. Situations are not comparable.

    You see, Black folks are totally justified in not trusting the medical establishment. This is because of systemic racism and the long long history of oppression of Black people by evil racist whites. Also, Tuskegee. Researchers diagnosed syphilis in a number of Black men and did not tell them, using it as a "natural history" experiment to see what would happen long term [1]. So Blacks cannot be expected to trust the system.

    On the other hand whites (note lower case) who won't submit to the "vaccines" are just racist assholes who need to be wiped off of the face of the earth. It's not me saying whites are all bad people who need to die. Take it from intellectual and activist Susan Sontag [2]. Here is the famous quote:

    "If America is the culmination of Western white civilization [...] then there must be something terribly wrong with Western white civilization. [...] The white race is the cancer of human history ....]

    [1] to be fair, the Tuskegee thing *was* pretty damned shameful
    []2 not a German despite the name


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