
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Some folks have skeletons in their closet while others...



  1. Are those mannequins or are they the sex dolls I've read about? Guess I aint hip anymore and outta the loop. For that I am grateful.

    1. Those must be mannequinns as they are plastic. Most sex dolls these days i understand are silicone.

  2. I am no expert, but the lack of genitalia and closed mouths would seem to make them a poor fit for sex dolls.

  3. a very long time ago, I worked in a auto scrap yard junking cars and we pulled a prank on the main crap yard by dressing up one of those and stuffing it in the trunk of some old junker.
    crane guy shit himself, had fun with the cops for about a hour and got really yelled at by the
    owner of the place. good times ! wished I had a picture of it, everyone going nuts and yelling

  4. Sex dolls. Some esoteric people collect their belly-button lint others are a little more inclined to climb to the surface of their Freudian desires.

  5. And the other side of the attic is where the postman stashed three tons of undelivered mail.

  6. Imagine a firefighter finding those while responding....

  7. Dammit. Forgot to check the attic when I sold the house.


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