
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The Narrative is Crumbling

The video below is an excellent compilation of various Corona- and vax-related clips. I’ve already watched most of the videos excerpted here, but it’s chilling to see them all together like this. Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:


  1. It was a lie from the beginning....

  2. Damn...
    Best advice...
    Wake the F**K up is right.

  3. I copied the link and emailed the video to a dozen on my email contacts. Important video.


  4. They've just renamed influenza.

    More influenza deaths of kids <18yo 2018-19 flu season vs almost 2 years of vid.

    If they counted anyone who had the flu as a flu death regardless of comorbidities like motorcycle accidents, stage 4 cancer, strokes, heart attacks... I think it was 2017 flu season NYC set up med tents in central park - done that several times.

    The insanity of it all. Over the flu. Would be laughable if it wasn't so damn sad.


    1. I posted this on another forum -

      I did get the shot, because I saw it as potential downsides either way, but consider this -

      The number of Americans who die of the regular seasonal flu has averaged about 36,000 over the last 10 years, with a low of 12,000 in the '11-'12 season, to a high of 61,000 in the '17-'18 season.

      Now that the precedent of mandating masks and shots has been established 'to protect the vulnerable,' how long until we have to mask and get a mandatory seasonal flu shot every year? The reasoning is the same.

  5. I found it fascinating that someone said that it's about depopulation. I've been saying that since the "official treatment" came out. It's the UN's Agenda 2030. I really can't find info on it anymore, but it was said that the US population would decline by 70% by 2030. No explanation as to how... Coincidentally, da gubmint aims for a 70% "vaccination" rate.

    Think about that.

  6. We're in an extermination program. The decision has been made.

    The only thing that can be done is to kill everyone who is involved at any level of the program.

  7. I keep hearing "the narrative is crumbling" and I SO want it to be true, but people here are willingly wearing masks now even though for the time being they don't have to, and I feel like we're a step or two away from having armed mobs breaking into houses in the middle of the night to round up the unvaccinated and place them into camps or even worse mass graves.

    The same people who loved comparing Trump to Hitler and liked to say "how could this have ever happened" when talking about that whole era are the ones who are now enabling it to happen again. The ease of which the masses can be manipulated is disturbing.

  8. Here in Oz the national trucker strike on the 31st constitutes the next "freedom rally". This has huge potential to turn violent given the match on the 21st where the cops used rubber bullets and pepper sprayed children. Then there was the outrage over adoption dogs being put down because everyone was in lockdown.
    Aussies are a hair width away from going ape-shit.
    P.S. if you want some great info on Covid, vaccines and other topics like energy go check Joanne Nova's blog at where I post commentaries every few days.
    One of the best informative sites out there.

  9. I was just listening to Tucker Carlson commenting with Victor Davis Hanson about Covid in general. They both commented on the situation in Israel. Israel has a 95+% inoculation rate.

    Yesterday Israel reported 10,000 new cases of Covid.

    The infection rate has been increasing exponentially for the last several weeks.

    Israel is a country of 8.8 million people. At the rate Covid is spreading there, everyone in the country will have or have had Covid by the end of September.

    Can't wait for the news that new "variants" of Covid have been generated there due to the ineffectiveness of the current, home grown, jab.



  10. Check out the CDC "case" definition: (a) sick, and fits the coronavirus pattern OR, (b) positive test, OR (c) retrospective chart audit gives results consistent with da Rona.

    So, any positive test, I'll or not, is "a case".

    Wonder if that is how it works with TB?

  11. Foe prespective, the total of deaths from Covid in Australia since the beginning of the "pandemic" is...



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