
Friday, August 27, 2021

Thoughts On Afghanistan - The Captain's Journal

I have enough posts on Afghanistan to write a book. But I thought it may be a good thing to give some closing thoughts on a failed campaign. 

From the beginning of the George W. Bush era, the notion had been that people love liberty and will always side with it. This is a demonstrably stupid assumption, disproven merely by looking at the medical yoke of tyranny Americans seem to love at the moment.


  1. Definitely a must-read. Don't pass up the comments, there are some great things there also.

  2. I read this earlier at another site. I learned a few things. The article is a good summation of the debacle unfolding and a few teachable moments.


  3. Georgiaboy61 and Bill Buppert breakdown Herschel's Thoughts on Afghanistan. Ohio Guy

  4. Thanks for linking this.
    John in Indy

  5. Good article - thanks for bringing it to my attention and I shared with lots of folks.


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