
Friday, August 27, 2021

Religious Exemption To Mandatory Covid Vaccination

I authored this paper for an individual who wishes that the name be removed. The name has been redacted from the copy provided here.

In order to assist the reader with a framework for understanding this paper, it should first be emphasized that it is written from a very specific theological perspective.  The necessary presuppositions are outlined at the beginning.

It could of course be objected that there may be other (what I am calling “committed Christians”) who do not hold one or more of the views expressed here.  The intent is not to engage a theological debate.  I could very well do that, but it is best left to another occasion.


  1. According to my understanding of Scriptures, my body is the lords Temple and one of God's Profits, one JMB made the 1911 to protect the Temples....Amen!



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