
Friday, August 27, 2021

Active duty soldier tells us that the Constitution will not protect us from her and her weapons so we better shut up and obey

 This rant from a soldier in uniform:

VIDEO HERE  (35 seconds)


  1. Self empowered little bull dike will be the first to scream "sexist!" As soon as she is forcibly relieved of her weapon

  2. Tough talk from a man wannabe. Remember, her type melts easily when the going gets tough.

  3. She nee3ds to stick too munching carpet.

  4. You better bring your "A" game bitch.

  5. Very nice. Need much more of this kind of ranting as the empire collapses. Most helpful in nudging states closer to federal nullification.

  6. Is "It" bulletproof? Asking for a friend of course.

  7. hey Sgt. Lickalottapuss, the revolution wont be on Tik Tok. Enjoy your sucking chest wound.

  8. Well, Bronson, watch your six. We can doxx you and yours, and all y’all can’t keep eyes on eighty million rifle owners. Be careful what YOU wish for!

  9. Time to kick all homos, lesbos, weirdos, trans types out of the Military. Let this thing try to stand up to the Military as a civilian under Martial Law. This POS is crazy.

    1. "Time to kick all homos, lesbos, weirdos, trans types out of the Military."

      What will we do with the understrength fireteam that's left?

  10. you just lost a war to third world goat fuckers and you think us red blooded americans are going to be afraid of you haha dyke bitch

  11. Maybe she won't do so well on the next range day

  12. It's a little different when you see the whole thing, just sayin...

  13. someone commented on another blog about this that this vid was taken way out of context, missing what they were responding to, and in reality, it is the reverse of what it looks like.... no idea who or what to believe without seeing the whole thing.... I know I have caught myself reacting wrongly before I knew the entire story... Now, if it IS as it seems with all we can see from this video, then F**K her/it, lol....

    1. Check her Twitter feed, she is a biden loving, anti American carpet munching bulldyke. D.C. senior

  14. Real smart imbecile. Put a target right on your forehead. I'm willing to bet she's wearing rainbow striped undies.

    What she doesn't get is that there are a shitload of trained, experienced, trigger pullers here which outnumber the U.S. Military, cops and anyone else you want to name by about a hundred to one. You are part of a force that just got their ass handed to them by a bunch stone age amateurs who overran a country the size of Texas in a week.

    It won't be like Boston bomber time when cops were pointing weapons at people in their own homes and shooting up boats in backyards from cover with no one shooting back.

    This candle ever gets lit, there'll be a two way range and she'll be one of the first to go.


  15. FUCK YOU! I got your number you facking dyke we are gonna go tali on your bitch ass before you can blink....disgusting whore!

    Chutes Magoo

  16. Why didn't Sergeant Cupcake just tell the Taliban to get in their houses? I'm looking forward to Afghanistan 2: Appalachia.

  17. She's right, the Constitution won't protect us, but her fucking OATH to uphold the Constitution should...

  18. DOD might want to shut that bitch’s mouth, bragging about wanting to kill Americans. Motherfucking lesbian better watch her six. My oath has not ended. And she can kiss my rotund ass if she thinks she’s ordering me around.

    Fucking cunt!

  19. I've taken shits bigger than her.

  20. It wants to murder.
    It doesn't care what it murders.
    If America gets murdered, it sees that as a bonus.
    It thrives in chaos.
    It yearns for destruction.
    It has no internal sense of worth, it believes it is valueless, so it hides behind somebody else's authority.
    It is jealous, envious because it knows it can never have a loving relationship with a trustable partner.
    It exists in fear.
    It has a name.
    We learned that name our first Sunday in church.

    1. Enh, the ideal socialist society is the last person, standing alone on a pyramid of skulls, about to shoot themself in the head.

  21. Clickbait? Most likely.

    Real NCOs never set out to ventilate anybody, rather they facilitate a successful mission.

    Those who overstep their roles get weeded out. If they are lucky the kind hand of being passed-over for promotion, being RIFed, or even being articled-out takes place. The unlucky ones face unintended consequences.

    As a Army Human Resources Specialist (MOS 42A) she is probably dangerous with a stapler and paper-cutter, but has an undeployable mindset for street work that would include civilian interaction.

    The part that puzzles is how she is wearing real rank, rather than a "Specialist" thing, but maybe they did away with that if you nailed enough reams of paper with your stapler?

  22. Hey dudette....I have been in shot in Africa where our army feared to tread...funky around and find out

  23. So, are there any available doxx databases with these clowns' info?

  24. I can say with a 100% certainty that there are some old grey haired retired NCOs, who after this threat made by a Can't Understand Normal Thinker, ARE thinking to themselves; "I'm your Huckleberry".

  25. She's an 88M at Ft Bliss. SSG Cindy Bronson.

    1. She drives a truck, I drive a rifle. Bring it bitch.

  26. Look, all you have to do is shout an incorrect pronoun at it and it will go away.

  27. I'm thinking this is bait. Whether SSG Bronson is in on the gag, or if she's merely a useful mouthy idiot I dunno, and it's mostly irrelevant anyway.

    You just KNOW that the usual suspects are drooling at the prospect of someone harming the good SSG so the newsmedia can go on 24/7 about "homophobia" and "misogyny" etc. If she catches a bullet they'll have a draconian gun seizure, sorry, "common-sense gun control" bill in front of Congress in about 15 minutes flat. It will have a long title but be called "Cindy's Law".

  28. In General across the Board—I can’t help feeling....
    We are missing something.

    As to this broad or psychotic(whichever O-fends less)

    We hear ya squeeling piggy’s.

    ain’t sweatin yer kind. Nor are we underestimating or disreguarding your Message(Z)

    I.Am.Listening..and as are others.

    ——-Passin thought——

    This or things like this.....
    ....may or could one day, be.....a “Setup.”
    Against the....Enthusiastic Commenter Person
    Red Flag(D)????????

    I can see a algorithm for that. Data Mining.
    Digital Snitches/Rats, the 3 letter clowns, the Basement Warriors....Yoooooou tah.

    Show a pattern?
    50 Commwnts all??????
    And maybe...knock knock if yer lucky. Crash Boom Bang if ya ain’t.

    It is Crystal Clear, How we are thought of, by The Gov’t and it’s Guard.

    They have Declared War. We are Terrorists.

    Let’s Pay Attention To there FATWA, This Time ! and NOT Disreguard or Underestimate them.

  29. So I'm thinking that rule.308 supersedes her orders. If little dyke E6 wants to find out..aim for hips and heads to bypass the plate carrier.
    Bring on the medics and body bags..your gonna need 'em.
    The vets from the 70's 80's and 90's don't share your 'woke' views...we swore our oath to protect and defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.

  30. @Anonymous August 27, 2021 at 9:13 PM

    > Let’s Pay Attention To there FATWA, This Time ! and NOT Disreguard or Underestimate them.

    Now *THAT'S* funny!

  31. Would she be referring to the constitution that makes it legal for US to ignore unconstitutional dictates and or law repugnant to our constitution and our civil and moral society? The same constitution that clearly states we the people will need to put our government back into its little boxes when it becomes unruly or refuses to represent US? Lets say all hypothetical like if it refused to enforce immigration law. Or dictated by pen or phone an illegal , uncivil and immoral program that harbor known illegal aliens here for decades. Then aid and abet an invasion of millions of other illegal aliens for political purposes and call it compassion for refugees. If it or they refuse to protect us from invasion of either of these obvious uncivil and immoral threats then it surely wont protect her or hers either.
    On to a completely unrelated point. "If by air there will be a third" Patriot Revere. The movie red dawn would have been a twenty minute infomercial if enough answered the threat before it hit the ground. A few Para shoots in the air mean take a picture. A few hundred mean take a stand before it takes you.
    If things don't start looking up here soon someone will need to ask her and hers to stop helping...

  32. Just FYI, from what I’ve been able to dig up, she’s at Ft Bliss.

    Her Brigade Commander: COL Sean P Kelly, BC of 1st AD Sustainment Brigade. 915-744-0908

    Her Brigade CSM: CSM Dawadrain D Clark. 915-744-6554

    Feel free to give her chain of command a call and express your opinion of this fine NCO.

  33. This one needs command guidance, here's her data:


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