
Friday, August 27, 2021

He'll make a fine politician

TULSA, Okla. (KFOR) – Officials in Tulsa say a man who announced that he was running for governor has been arrested following an alleged rape and kidnapping. 

On Aug. 23, the Tulsa Police Department’s Special Victims Unit learned about an alleged rape and kidnapping. 

The victim told investigators that on Sunday, she responded to a Craigslist ad for a job on 59-year-old Paul Tay’s campaign team for office.


  1. He was running as an independent but this incident shows he really should have been on the democratic ticket.

  2. As an "independent", probably meaning he was too hot for even the democrat socialist party to handle...

  3. if he didn't at some point stick the pipe up her ass he does not qualify as a politician.

  4. Just remember that the "Tiger King" got 19% of the vote when he ran for Governor of Oklahoma.
    NINETEEN PERCENT! Almost 1 in 5 Okies thought he should be Governor. Makes Minnesota sending Al Franken to the U.S. Senate seem smart.

    1. Actually, the "Tiger King" only got 18.7% of the libertarian vote for a whopping total of 664.

  5. Dunno. Sounds like a typical politician, especially in ,most DC. Nemo

  6. He's one of Tulsa's favorite loonys. He's run for mayor. He rides around town on a bicycle in a Santa suit. (not necessarily in December) He came into a restaurant I used to manage in full camo gear complaining that our sign out front was against zoning codes (although it had been there for 20 some odd years)

    1. I saw him standing on the side of the road on Sheridan wearing coveralls and a helmet, both covered in dildos. He held a sign that said "Honk if you want me to F*#k you." A real class act.


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