
Friday, August 27, 2021

Commentary: Massive Nurse Shortage Hits Houston, Weeks After 150 Unvaccinated Nurses and Hospital Workers Fired

Jennifer Bridges knew what was coming when her director at Houston Methodist hospital called her up in June to inquire about her vaccination status. 

Bridges (pictured above), a 39-year-old registered nurse, responded “absolutely not” when asked if she was vaccinated or had made an effort to get vaccinated. She was terminated on the spot. 

“We all knew we were getting fired,” Bridges, 39, told CBS News. “We knew unless we took that shot to come back, we were getting fired today. There was no ifs, ands or buts.”


  1. The 150 nurses to return should demand no vaccination requirement, treble back pay up front for the time that they missed by being fired, and a contract for the next 6 years at 1.5 times pay (indexed to cost of living). Hospital management wanted to clean house, let them suffer the consequences. Better yet, have the Board of Directors fire hospital management. Trust me, those guys are replaceable.

  2. A line needs to be drawn.....

    1. Oh, it will citizen. Those of you who remain recalcitrant will be lined up near pits in the woods.
      - Governments everywhere

  3. Nurses were unvaccinated, worked double shifts, and were “heroes” for 18 months. Now they’re considered disposable because they want autonomy over their own bodies. Funny how that works.

  4. This crap needs to stop, now. We all have to stand up to these petty tyrants and their views on ‘science’.

  5. My wife and I crafted a religious exemption and filed it with the hospital she works for. As back up she applied at several other memory care, assisted living, and hospitals.
    She received the exemption Wednesday. She also took 2 more jobs as provisional on call with a 70 to 100 cash bonus per day worked at 18 a hour. Turned one down since 4 jobs is to many. So she was threatened, cried, almost caved, decided to stand strong and now has more income.

    God is good.
    Steve in Ky

    1. share your template for a religious exemption please

  6. Gee who could have predicted that. Management = Dumbfucks Nemo

  7. And now the whiny bitches (the hospital maladministrators) are bitching whinily that they can't fill the vacancies. . .

  8. Silly question, how about an antibody test to see if these nurses were exposed to Covid and shook it off without getting noticeably ill?

    I've noticed that they have made the antibody test very very scarce.

    1. That's good logic but an antibody test isn't always a good indicator. You can have a negative antibody test and still have protection. The body has an immune reaction known as anamnestic. That's where AFTER exposure to a previously exposed antigen (virus, bacteria, foreign material etc.) almost immediately the body produces more antibodies. In some people, antibody levels diminish or even disappear while some people always maintain some level of measurable antibodies (the reasons for this are not known). It's why in veterinary medicine, many of us don't put much faith in distemper and parvo titers because negative titer doesn't mean the the pets not protected. Sorry for such a long response but I wanted to know your question wasn't silly at all but there's a medical explanation as to probably why the tests aren't done more regularly.

    2. Rayvet, excellent and informative reply! Thanks!

    3. How is needing to have antibodies in your system in order to be able to work any different than needing to receive the "vaccine" in order to be able to work?

  9. A friend who is a recent retiree ICU nurse just go offered a $250 @ hour contract to come back.

  10. These so called "managers" should be fired. Why fired? Because we are not allowed to flog them publicly for being idiots.

    The gambled that they could force against the free will of successful people, and they made a wrong bet.

    Unfortunately it is the end client being served that suffers.

    Of course the pResident flying/busing lots of sick illegals in the metro should not be dismissed as a contributing factor in this folly.

  11. "What are these things in the middle of our ICU?"


    "WTF are tumbleweeds doing in the middle of our ICU?"

    "Doesn't *every* ghost town, have tumbleweeds blowing through it?"

  12. I've got a friend who works as a contract nurse, usually on 3 month assignments. Her agency sent out a poll to all their people asking if they'd be willing to take the vaccine. There were so many responses that threatened to quit that it was never mentioned again.


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