
Friday, August 27, 2021

Welcome to the Forever Pandemic

This week, as President Joe Biden attempted desperately to distract from his ongoing surrender in Afghanistan and the attendant chaos in its wake, the White House turned its eyes once again to the issue of COVID-19. On Monday, Biden pressed private industry to mandate vaccination, stating, "Do what I did last month, require your employees to get vaccinated or face strict requirements." Meanwhile, the ubiquitous Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN's Anderson Cooper, "I respect people's freedom, but when you're talking about a public health crisis ... the time has come, enough is enough. We've just got to get people vaccinated."


  1. My employer is mandating "The Stab". I've moved my retirement ahead and, with luck, I'll be out before the requirement is fully implemented.

    1. If you let them bully you, you won't have a very long retirement.

  2. As I understand it, White House employees are NOT required to get the jab.

    Also, the approved "vaccine" is not yet available. The unbranded Pfizer vaccine that they're still giving out is still defined as experimental.

  3. We need to recognize the naturally acquired immunity as field work is not suggesting it is many times more effective than the mRNA vaxes and more effective than the normal jag (J&J).

    But no we can't do that - as there seems to be some other reason to force a mRNA jab repeatedly.

    Canada just contracted for enough vax to jab its residents every six month or less for the next 3-1/2 years. Who wants to run the vax odds some seven-eight times to see if you survive the vax unscathed?

    Current effectiveness appears to be

    Primo - Naturally acquired
    Moderate - J&J (conventional vax) and something like 50% of Naturally Acquired.
    Minimal - the mRDA vaxes, especially after 120 days from last jag, which are suggested to be down to 8% of the antibody level of Naturally Acquired.

    What a fools game.

  4. Jesus, when even Ben "I [heart] Big Government" has figured it out...

  5. With the rate or re-infection and a greater chance of severe health issues occurring after the jab, I'm better off with the survival rate of 99.7% if I do get it. I've already had it before it was a pandemic so take your jab and put it where it will do the most good, stick it up your ass.........

  6. Meanwhile, in India:
    The case for IVM is pretty compelling when you compare the date of it's government acceptance, and the peak shown in the second graph at this site:

  7. Look, I understand that none of you are getting off the couch. Ever. There have been years (for some of you, decades) of equally "compelling" attacks. Yet, there you are. Freedom's just another word for "Fuck you! I got mine!"

    But let's stop lying to our fellow liars. Forced medical experimentation is a crime against humanity. People that called us enemy were captured, and hung by the neck, until dead, for EXACTLY this.

  8. @wirecutter August 29, 2021 at 2:15 PM

    > And just what exactly have you done? Nothing?

    Not sure if that reply glows; disproves itself, by itself; or is just a bad time, bad day.

  9. Valid question to someone "Anonymous" who's ignorantly spouting off about what someone else may or may not be doing.
    We're anonymous too, dipshit.
    You don't know what we're doing.
    Or have done.

  10. If I believed anything from the government agents, I would go with '99.7% survival-rate'.
    That makes sense compared to 'injection experiments'.
    But I am pretty sure each is nincompoopery.
    I posted this at Brock Townsend's Free North Carolina blogspot:
    No, but seriously, did you hear about the new monthly subscription plan?
    You get a covid package to administer at home.
    In the privacy of your living-room, it attaches to any of your new appendages.
    According to the government agents, the embedding process is relatively painless...


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